
10 Fun And Easy Things To Do With Coloring Book Pages.

Colorists love to color. It is what we do. It is our thing. Show us coloring book pages and we are ON IT! This is a fun, relaxing pastime that encourages creativity. But we usually end up with a lot of colored pages in coloring books. Like. A LOT of colored pages. Piled up, nestled away in drawers and on bookshelves, hidden under our beds….You get the idea. We become colored page hoarders. Which leads to the question: What should we do with all our colored pages? Maniacally stacking them into piles can only go so far. And eventually the family and pets start to complain. So I did a little research (for the sanity of my family). And I found 10 super fun and easy uses for colored pages. I mean these are actually doable and enjoyable.

Keep reading to learn 10 marvelously simple and entertaining uses for all your colored coloring book pages.

  1. Envelope Liners
coloring page envelope liner

Who doesn’t love getting a letter?! It is a modern-day thrill to open an envelope and peek inside to see a letter or card. But what if the envelope ALSO was a special treat? What if you wanted to up your game as a note-sender? Your colored pages are here to help! And it is as simple as Cut-And-Paste. Just cut a colored page to the exact shape and size as the inside flap of an envelope. And paste it on. When the recipient opens the envelope they’ll be delighted by the colorful surprise before they even read your letter.

You can choose any nice image that you have colored. Anything that appeals to you will work in this homemade DIY craft. Personally, I’m partial to animals. You can find all these printable coloring pages here: Llama With Wreath, Dachshund, Koala, Cat Close Up. And printable coloring pages are fantastic because you can adjust them to print different sizes, so you can easily fit the image into the envelope or make a collage of images! Don’t have any envelopes hanging around? Check out these crafty Brown Kraft Paper Envelopes With Self Seal Strips (Because licking envelopes = Yuck!).

2. Decorate Gift Bags

coloring pages on gift bags

You went through the effort of getting (or making) a gift for someone. But do you just toss it in a bag? What are we, heathens?!? Nope. It’s time to up your gift-giving game with a diy homecraft project. Also, let’s be real, it’ll make your gift look WAY more cool than all the others at that party. Remember to act nonchalant when people ooh and aww. “What? That old bag? Oh I just whipped up a nice little decoration!”

All you need is colored coloring book pages, a plain gift bag, scissors and glue. You can glue your entire colored page to the outside of the bag. Or you can cut out your favorite shapes and designs and glue them on. Either way this will make YOUR gift obviously the best. Obviously. In this project I used some of my favorite holiday coloring pages. You can find them here: Horse With Wreath, Polar Bear With Cub, Stag With Wreath.

If you are fresh out of gift bags, I prefer Brown Kraft Bags. They really suit the vibe of a DIY decorated bag and the warm brown helps the colored page really stand out!

3. Make Book Marks

coloring page bookmarks

That’s right. We’re going full geek here. I mean maybe you love books. But are you Make-Your-Own-Bookmarks level geek? It’s time to up your bookworm game! And it’s so easy to make this simple craft at home. Grab your favorite colored pages, some cardboard, scissors and glue. Cut the cardboard into small rectangles (or whatever shape you want your bookmark to be) and glue your colored pages on top. Some crafters like to laminate their colored pages instead of gluing them onto cardboard. But I promised this list would be super easy and I don’t know many people who can easily get hold of a laminator.

Again, I’m a big fan of animals so I used them for two bookmarks. But the third is a woman in a dramatic pose – perfect for the next time I read a dramatic story! All three coloring pages are available now for printing and coloring here: Bulldog With Sunflowers, Fox, Woman With Strappy Shoes. For cardboard I encourage recycling! Cut up a delivery box and get crafting.

4. Decorate Phone Case

coloring page on phone case

You worked hard on your coloring page. And you carry your phone with you everywhere. Doesn’t it make sense to combine the two? Along with your phone case and colored page, you will also need Decoupage glue such as Mod Podge.

Trace your cell phone case on the back of your colored page. Remember to trace out any camera holes. Cut out the cell phone case shape you just traced. Cover your phone case in decoupage glue, place the cut out colored page onto the case, and place more decoupage glue on top. I suggest you let all the glue dry, then apply another coat. Err, probably best if you DON’T keep your phone in the case while applying all this glue.

For this project I chose a colored page with a dynamic composition. Within the confined space of the phone case this dramatic cat pose is perfect! You can print this coloring page here: Cat In Corner.

5. Hang On Your Wall

coloring pages on wall

You are an artist. Your finished coloring pages are art. They deserve a place on the wall. To be admired. The major hindrance to this project is YOU. When you put your art on the wall it’s no longer “just” a craft. You are declaring it is worthy of wall space. That it deserves to be seen and admired. For some colorists this is a big emotional obstacle. So let me be the first to tell you: You are fantastic! Your art deserve to seen. And YOU deserve to be admired for your artistic skills.

You’ll need some picture frames, a hammer and nails. There are plenty of ready-made frames you can easily order. Here is a classy Set of Four Frames that will fit 8×10 inch pictures. Insert your colored art into the frames and hang them on the wall. Couple rules for hanging art: 1.  Hang a single famed piece at eye level. 2. When hanging two pieces, treat them as one single work of art and hang them together. 3. Hang gallery displays (three or more pieces) with consistent spacing between pieces. Usually about 2-3 inches.

For this project I used these printable coloring book pages: Dog Close Up, Cat Portrait, Fox On Grass, Boxer In Cap, Rhino

6. Decorate A Tote Bag

coloring page on tote bag

You are busy. You have lots of stuff to carry around. So why not strut your awesome creativity with a tote bag? Then up your sauntering game with a tote bag embellished with your coloring art. It’s super duper easy. Take a photo of your colored page OR scan it. Then take the resulting JPG image of your art and upload it to Zazzle. There are these fantastic Blank Tote Bags that you can insert your image onto. You can adjust the color of the tote bag to suit your color palette. Then order! That’s it! Zazzle will print the image onto the tote and ship it to you. Easy peasy!

Speaking of easy, this is a super simple gift idea too. Custom gift-giving never looked so creative. For this project I used this printable coloring page: Bunnies

Of course you don’t have to stop at tote bags! Heck you can upload your colored pages onto Pillows, Blankets, Mugs and more!

7. Decorate Flameless Candle

coloring page on candles

Is coloring the light of your life? Take your finished coloring pages and set them aglow with a flameless candle. This idea is all about ambiance. The flameless candle adds a bit of soft lighting. And your colored page adds a bit of color and personality.

I know many colorists prefer thick paper for coloring. But for this project thin paper is better (to let the light through). You’ll need a Flameless Candle, Mod Podge, a Foam Paint Brush, and your colored page. Slather some Mod Podge glue onto your candle, wrap the candle with your colored page, then add a layer of Mod Podge onto the colored page to set it in place around the candle. If your coloring page is taller than the candle, wait for the Mod Podge to dry then trim off the top of the paper. Ta-Da! Your candle is marvelous and oh-so unique!

I like printable coloring book pages for this project. That way you can print the image on the paper you want. Plus some printable coloring pages are available as JPG images (like the ones on my Coloring Shop), so you can adjust the size of the image to suit your project! For this project I includes these pages: Golden Retriever, Pitbull Up Close, and Kitten.

8. Line A Drawer

coloring page lining drawer

Peek-A-Boo! Ever open a drawer and notice a hint of personality underneath all the knickknacks?  That’s probably a drawer liner. And your coloring page is probably the perfect bit of color your drawer needs! This is especially inspiring in your craft supplies storage drawer. You will need a few things: your colored coloring book pages, fixative, scissors and double-sided tape (tape is nice because it’s not permanent). First spray the colored page with fixative. That way your colors won’t smudge. Next make sure your page will fit in the drawer. If not, whip out those scissors and trim the edges. Like my dad always says, measure twice and cut once! Then tape the page into the drawer.

For this project I prefer thicker paper. I want my paper to hold its own against all the goodies I keep in my drawers. And I by goodies I mean all the random stuff I’ll toss on, forget, then desperately look for later. I’m hoping the drawer liner will be a great visual to jog my memory. 110 LB Paper would be nice and sturdy. For this project I also used this printable coloring page: Kitten With Yarn.

9. Wrapping Paper

coloring page on gift

I mean, it IS paper. So you can absolutely wrap a gift with your colored pages. The only drawback is your gift probably needs to be fairly small. If your gift is a smidge larger you can still use your colored paper. Simply wrap the gift in Brown Craft Paper then tape your colored page on top. I prefer tape instead of glue. Glue can accidentally seep through the paper and get onto the gift. Double-sided tape works great!   

You can put the entire page onto the gift. OR cut out the most dynamic part of the page and tape it on. The brown craft paper is hearty enough to serve as wrapping paper. And your colored page adds the pizzazz! For this project I used the printable coloring page: Woman With Wave, Dream Believe Achieve.

10. Make Cards

Dog With Ball on Flowers

You put all that time and effort into those coloring book pages. You gave it your all. Why not share your creativity with a heartfelt or funny message? In fact, you could color the page with a certain recipient in mind. Use their favorite colors. Choose a coloring subject that they like. In a way, this can be the ultimate customized gift. Simply fold your image in half and BAM, instant card!

What’s that? You want it to be more difficult? Okeydoke. How about you print out a coloring page on heavy Cardstock Paper? That way your homemade card will stand more easily. Also, thicker paper is often easier to write on. Pen can leak through thin paper.

If you don’t want to fold any of your coloring masterpieces, you can use a Printable Coloring Card – ready for your to print, color and fold! You can find this card here: Dog With Ball On Bouquet

And there you have it! 10 amazingly easy and fun uses for coloring book pages! It’s time to strut your creativity and start crafting! Do you need some easy-access coloring pages for these home crafts? Check out my hand-drawn coloring pages, all ready for you to print today: Coloring Shop

Remember to leave a comment below!  Let me know the 1 item on this list you’re going to take action on first.

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FIY – Some of the links in this post are affiliate connections to Amazon that enable me to collect commission.


7 Fun And Easy Uses for Pencil Shavings! Time to Recycle!

A lot of colorists love to use their colored pencils until the little nubby pencil end! We are determined pencil sharpener aficionados! But the side result is pencil shavings. A. Lot. Of. Shavings.

It is easy to save and admire our colored pages. BUT WHAT DO WE DO WITH PENCIL SHAVINGS? The colossal pile of slightly tinted colored wooden shards and chips? Often they go in the garbage bin. But what if we can do more? What if we can recycle these little shavings? After a bit of research I found there are some super fun and easy pencil shaving craft ideas!

Keep reading to discover 7 Easy Uses For Pencil Shavings:

  1. Compost
compost image

Wait, can pencil shavings be composted? I toss a lot of stuff from the kitchen into my compost. Leftovers and scraps are the traditional homemade fertilizer go-to. But did you know that pencil shavings add fantastic carbon to your compost pile? Carbon is super duper important. It feeds those powerful little microorganisms that break down organic matter. And we need that organic stuff broken down to get the best nourishment. Wondering if an ENTIRE pencil in biodegradable? No worries, I looked it up for you. The answer is MOST of a pencil is biodegradable: the wooden sticks. Any lead (used to make graphite) or ferrule (the metal part used to hold erasers) and most non-synthetic rubber (in erasers) are not biodegradable. Need a home compost bin? Check out the highly rated IM4000 Dual Chamber Tumbling Composter

2. Bedding For Gerbils Or Rodent Pets

Gerbils with shavings

Don’t forget your little furry companions! Especially the small rodent ones. They deserve a special treat. Rats, guinea pigs, chinchillas, gerbils, hamsters…they are huge fans of pencil shavings! PLUS, using these small bits of wood for pet bedding is a big money saver. Why spend your bucks on expensive pet supplies when you have some already waiting? Who knew there were so many uses for pencil shavings?!

3. Mulch Or Topsoil

mulch image

Fancy a bit of gardening? Your pencil shavings are ready to give your green thumb a boost. Not only are pencil shavings a fantastic alternative to traditional topsoil, they make your garden look interesting. Really, does judgy Mrs. Jones next door use colorful pencil shavings in her garden? I think not! And if the Jones’s criticize your gardening choices, let them know that shavings retain moisture and eliminate weeds. How’s that for keeping up with the Joneses. PLUS if your pencils are made with cedar wood, their shavings will repel spiders and ants! But please note, shavings are not fertilizer. So you should definitely use your pencil shavings compost! (See item 1 on this list!)

4. Make Art

pencil shaving art

Are you ready for another pencil shavings activity? You already used your pencils to color in a fantastic coloring page. But now it is time to push your creativity to the max! Grab some glue and paper and glue your shavings into fun new designs. Pencil shavings arts and crafts are the ultimate material for upcycled projects! They are a fabulous mix of shapes and colors. Why not explore your artistic potential? Not sure what to do? Look up creative ideas on Pinterest then pin your own shaving art. Need some precision craft glue for your pencil shavings? Try out the Bearly Art Precision Craft Glue With Tip Kit

But that’s not all! Keep reading to continue your recyclable pencil shaving adventure:

5. Fire Starter

pencil shaving fire starter

Brrrrr! Is it chilly tonight? Time to pull out the pencil shavings and start a fire. This is a super useful craft for the home. And kind of obvious. I mean, duh! They are small dry chips of wood. That makes them the perfect fire starter. (Which reminds me…..if you decide to keep your shavings for diy home crafts, be sure to store them in a safe place. Away from heat.)  To make you fire starters take a cardboard egg carton, put a candle stub in each egg carton cup, then pack wood shavings around the candle stub in each cup. Whenever you want to start a fire, just break off a, egg carton cup and light it up! Who knew your recycled pencil sharpener shavings could be so useful?!

6. Repel Moths

shavings in baggie

Ever find moth holes in your clothes after storing them for the winter? Don’t have the budget to buy a new ugly Christmas sweater? Time to get the pencil shavings! Cedar ones, anyway. Yup! Shavings are a fantastic choice for this useful diy craft for the home. Put the them into little cloth sacks and use as sachets in your closet. The cedar wood chips will repel the moths! Don’t have small organic cotton baggies hanging out in a drawer, ready to take on the moths? Check out the Organic Cotton Reusable Produce Bags.

7. Potpourri  


This idea is an awesome craft project! Potpourri has three main components: fixative, fragrance and filler. Fixative absorbs the other fragrances (Hint: this is where your wood shavings come in!). The fragrance can be any perfume or essential oil you like. Apply your fragrance to the fixative (pencil shavings) so it’ll last longer. Filler can be fragrant or non-grant and includes dried flowers, leaves and herbs. Store in a jar or baggie. Wait what’s that? Did you just say this is a great homemade diy gift idea? Why yes. Yes, it is. Need some small potpourri bags for potpourri gifting? Check out the Mudder 50 Pack Organza Gift Bags.

And there you have it! 7 easy and useful crafts with pencil shavings!

Which one will you try first? Tell me! Do you have more ideas for shavings? Let me know. Are you feeling impatient to start coloring and make MORE pencil shavings? No worries I have you covered. You can color right now with THESE COLORING PAGES. Download and color today!

Are you OUT of pencils to make more little useful wood chips? Gasp! Let’s fix this right away! Here are some of my favorite: Crayola Colored Pencils, 50 Count, Multicolor

Remember to leave a comment below!  Let me know the 1 item on this list you’re going to take action on first.

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FIY – Some of the links in this post are affiliate connections to Amazon that enable me to collect commission.


Top 5 Craft Ideas You Will Love For June Inspiration!

Summer is here and I am obsessed with trying NEW things. Crafty, glittery, creative new things. Do not get me wrong, drawing and coloring are my forever passion. But sometimes I like to flirt with other craft ideas for adults and kids. Oh this crafting flirtation is nothing too serious! Again, coloring and drawing are my true love. But there is nothing wrong with an easy summer craft fling.

So I hit the online craft scene, checked out some superb crafty crafters and crafted up a list of new summer fun. And while there are many marvelous DIY crafts out there, five winners caught my eye.

If you are like me, love your coloring and art but need some extra creative catharsis keep reading for this marvelous list!

5 New Craft Ideas:

  1. Tea Party With DIY Teacups
vinyl craft on teacup

O. M. G. Let’s start with the fact that we are about to have a TEA PARTY! I am already feeling sophisticated just writing about this project from A Kailo Chic Life. She uses some permanent adhesive vinyl. Next she cuts out vinyl flower and confetti shapes and puts them on the teacups like stickers. Tea-Tastic! She even provides cut files for the confetti pieces and flower pieces. Swoon! The end result of this pretty craft is SO Pinterest worthy.

This is where you might stop and think: “But I don’t have teacups!” Ok, couple things. First, go get some teacups! What are you a heathen?!? Here’s a marvelous set of Six White Porcelain Cups for your new chic adulthood. While you wait for their delivery, put the marvelous vinyl details on the outer rim of a plate of cookies! BAM!

2. DIY Concrete Stepping Stones

stepping stones

I’m done being stuck inside. And I am ready to step outside! But let’s be real, what am I supposed to step on, DIRT?!? Nope! Not when I can grace my feet with their own stepping stones. This fabulous summer craft idea is from C.R.A.F.T. She provides the easiest step-by-step instructions. And really there are days when I need easy directions for my handmade arts and crafts.

Speaking of easy, the ingredients are fantastically convenient too! The only thing you probably DON’T have in your home or garage already is Quick Dry Concrete (you can order some HERE. Toss in some decorations (shells, rocks, leaf prints, etc.) and BOOM! Your feet are tapping on some gorgeous stepping stones. (By the way, the pics she uses to show how to create these stones are super adorable with her children. Shows this is also a great craft idea for kids. Love!)

3. DIY Don’t Lose Your SH!T Keychain & Sunglass Chain

sunglasses and key chain

Alright. MAYBE the name of the site got my attention first: Honestly WTF. But then I started looking through the DIY craft ideas and they are all fabulous. But the one that really caught my attention was these DIY keychains. I have enough trouble keeping track of my stuff at home. In the summer when I’m out and about It. Is. Hopeless.

To make [my] life easier she provides DIY Jewelry Kits! Do you realize how fantastic this is?! You can skip shopping around for all the supplies, it’s all done for you. AND she provides the super simplest directions complete with photos. The beads they provide are colorful and cheerful, which is perfect for visibility and NOT losing things. Creativity never looked so useful! This craft idea is not only easy, bright, and fun – it’s going to save my car keys!

4. Nature Mandalas

nature mandala

Remember way back at the top of this post when I said I love coloring and art? Anyway, mandalas are a super popular design on coloring pages. But I’m looking for fun summer DIY craft ideas that get me out of the house and enjoying the sunshine. And what would be better than nature mandalas featured in Mary Makes Good. Visual Arts + Nature = Awesome!

Really, why color a mandala on paper with pencils when you can MAKE a mandala with the gorgeous colors found in nature?! Sure these temporary art installations don’t last as long as a coloring page. But that’s not the point! They are fun. And what’s more, they will get you exploring and interacting with wildlife. You can even turn this into a photo craft idea by taking pictures of your mandalas. Look at that! Now you’re also a photographer. Need some mandala inspiration? Check out the stunning pictures from Mary Makes Good.

5. Travel Accessory Organizer

accessory organizer

I am leaving! Not sure where I am going yet. Have not thought that far ahead. But gosh darn it I am going somewhere and I’ll be damned if I’m losing my jewelry!  Thank goodness P.S. – I Made This… is saving my accessories from traveling oblivion! Her genius organizer is extremely easy and fun craft to create. In fact, I’m thinking of making several to give this craft idea as gifts to my accessorizing friends.

True, the materials aren’t always in your home. Faux leather is not often on my shopping list. But they are exceptionally painless to find. And her directions are easy to follow and include pictures! I mean really. Her photos make is SO simple to follow along. Swing over to her post HERE and get your accessories in order! And if you are worried about supplies, I did a little perusing for you and found your Faux Leather , Awl , and Fabric Cutting Wheel.

And there you have it! 5 fabulous summer arts and crafts ideas for you to try!

Which one do you love best? Tell me! Show me! I want to see how these fantastic crafty ideas have inspired you. Are you feeling impatient to be creative but need to order some supplies first? No worries I have you covered. While you wait for your new craft stuff to arrive you can color right now with THESE COLORING PAGES. Download and color today!

Remember to leave a comment below!  Let me know the 1 item on this list you’re going to take action on first.

Not sure how to color in grayscale? Check out this fantastic Beginners Guide To Grayscale Coloring!

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FIY – Some of the links in this post are affiliate connections to Amazon that enable me to collect commission.


Mindful Coloring? Easy Beginner’s Guide to Mastering This Skill!

Today I’m going to show you how to master mindful coloring!

Yeah yeah, we’ve ALL heard that coloring can help us relax and there are mindfulness benefits. BUT does it really? How does that work? Does a “Relax” switch flick on in our brains as soon as we pick up a crayon? NOPE! Turns out it is up to you (the creative colorist) to make the selfcare happen.

In this super well-researched guide (I legit did a LOT of investigating to write this) I’ll cut out all the noise and show you exactly how to have the ultimate relaxing, mindful coloring experience. But remember, it is up to YOU to start this self help journey in coloring and start feeling better.

OK, coloring is the main part of this scenario. But if you want to have the ultimate de-stress experience we need to do a little prep work.

What is mindfulness anyway?

Mindfulness is a new idea incorporated in coloring books. It is a key feature that can help you destress. You don’t think relaxing is important? Consider that stress can lead to headaches, chest pain, fatigue, lower sex drive (GASP!), upset stomach and sleep problems. Not to mention anxiety, anger and depression – all symptoms of stress! If any of this sounds like you, maybe it is time for a mindful coloring activity.

stress image

Ok, cool you had a nice reminder about stress. But what is mindfulness?!

Mindfulness has enjoyed a remarkable increase in research and popularity in the past decade. (And mindful coloring has quickly followed.)

Jon Kabat-Zinn (the creator of the Stress Reduction Clinic and the Center for Mindfulness in Medicine) described mindfulness as an awareness that emerges through purposefully paying attention in the present moment, non-judgmentally. <- BAM! Whip out THAT sentence at your next social gathering and strut your smarty pants!

This mindfulness definition cultivates the ability to be attentive and aware of the present moment in a non-evaluative way. Put another way: FOCUS ON ONLY ONE THING without any judging.

People may benefit from practicing mindfulness in reducing levels of anxiety, depression, fatigue, health-related quality of life, and stress. In other words, mindfulness helps you take care of yourself.

Perhaps there are ways of transforming any experience into a mindful one. And that is the segue we’ve all been waiting for to introduce: Coloring Mindfulness! BOOM! There it is.

Conventional mindfulness practices, such as breathing meditation, require concentrating fully on one aspect of the moment; in this case, the breath. Coloring mindfulness replaces the focus with coloring pages. That’s right. Coloring has just replaced breathing. Go with it.

One study investigated the effect of coloring on relaxation by recording physiological changes, such as heart rate. The study found a decrease in heart rate and provided some preliminary results on the effect of coloring and physiological health. (DeLue C. (1999). “Physiological effects of creating mandalas,” – I TOLD YOU I researched the heck out of this stuff to write this!)

Your First Step: Your first step is to create a mindfulness space.

This is WHERE you will color. The place where you can block out the world, calm your thoughts and bring down that high blood pressure (or help with those stress headaches, or unclench your teeth, etc.) This space is being made for your mental health with coloring fun as the focal activity to help you.

Here’s exactly how to do it:

First, ideally is a space just for you (pets like dogs and cats are the obvious exception). This place should be clutter free. No really! All those colorful art supplies need to be organized! Surfaces should be clean. This is a huge hurdle for the creative personality type who often feeds off of chaos. But you super duper absolutely have to do what your mom told you to do back when you were a teenager and “Clean your room!”

Next is the calming ambiance. Mindfulness activities are more effective in the right environment. Add a little life with a plant. House plants are a quiet presence that remind you of nature. If you’re like me and have a black thumb of doom that can kill the most hearty of “non-killable” cacti, you can opt for a lovely fake plant. No judging. Personally I’m partial to pre-made wildflower bouquets like THIS ONE. No fuss, no muss, just a lovely arrangement of flowers ready to sit in your creative space and don’t need watering. Did I mention I have a black thumb of doom?

Now it’s time to engage your other senses. Scent has a powerful effect on your mood. Scented candles and essential oils are your nostril’s best friend. Aromatherapy has been well-documented to help with anxiety and the top scents include: valerian, jatamansi, Lavendar and jasmine. I’m a huge fan of the Yankee Candle scent Lemon Lavendar. It brings out my inner calm with the lavender and the hint of citrus lemon keeps me awake and refreshed (this is calm time, not nap time). Not into open flame? I get it. Fire bad. Try this essential oil kit. I like that it is a set of three, so I can try different scents. So I you want to know how to be nice to yourself, be nice to your nose!

Finally, complete your space with an auditory treat. We are looking for a little self love for your ears! Before you enjoy your mindful coloring book, turn on a sound that helps you relax. The top soothing noises include: nature sounds, sound frequencies (did you know some types of sound frequencies can alter the activity of the brain?), classical music, and jazz. Remember, music with a slow tempo encourages the brain to sync with its beat – great for occasions when your mind rages uncontrollably.

At last your space is complete. Now you can start coloring!

First, do you have a coloring page at the ready? Maybe you have a favorite coloring book sitting on a shelf waiting for your creative talent. But sometimes you need something quick. Something like a digital mindful coloring page you can download HERE and NOW. Seriously, there are a bunch of hand-drawn coloring pages right here on this site you can download to color today. Find a mindful coloring PDF in the COLORING SHOP! Download an image that strikes your fancy to start coloring for an instant mindfulness and relaxation.

Next, prep your space. Turn on the soothing sounds and start the aromatherapy. This will help get you in the right mindset for mindfulness and prep for a moment of mindful living.

Finally, NOW you can color! While you’re being creative remember the definition of mindfulness. I discussed this earlier, but who really wants to scroll all the way back up there?! So here is it again: mindfulness as an awareness that emerges through purposefully paying attention in the present moment, non-judgmentally. That means you purposely focus on your mindfulness coloring. Only your coloring. And you don’t judge any part of your creative experience. Is that the write colored pencil? Yes! Is that the correct technique? Absolutely!

Did you absolutely rock that coloring page and forget about your daily stressors? You know it!

Thanks to this beginner’s guide to mindful coloring you don’t need to spend hours researching mindfulness techniques or self love ideas. You do not need to wonder how to get more relaxation out of your coloring experience.

As you saw in the guide, mindful coloring can help you destress. And stress is a major strain on your physical and mental health. Working on yourself, especially your mental health, can vastly improve all of this!

Now you have everything you need to become a master of mindful coloring!  

Before you start your mindful coloring journey, make sure you leave a quick comment to let me know how you are creating your calm coloring space! Comment here OR tell me on social media and share! Below are my social links where you can find me and brighten up my day with YOUR creativity!

Did you enjoy this super fantastic post? Subscribe to my monthly newsletter so you don’t miss the next post. PLUS – every newsletter includes a FREE printable (coloring page, or card, or something else wonderful) and MORE! Sign up below…

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FIY – Some of the links in this post are affiliate connections to Amazon that enable me to collect commission.


10 Lovely Color Palettes To Inspire Your Stunning Masterpiece!

Have you ever discarded a shirt because it looked wrong against your skin tone? Or felt “off” in a room where the aesthetics don’t appeal to your mood? The reason is COLOR! Color can effect our mood, thoughts and inspire memories. While one color can be powerful enough to elicit a strong response –  color palettes are when all the real fun starts!

A color palette is a combination of specific colors. In the art world the use of color schemes dates back thousands of years. It forms the foundation of a work of art. It assists in visual consistency of many paintings. Look at that! We just had a little art history class 101. You’re so creative and smart!

Speaking of smart, want to feel like a color genius? I’m about to help you sound like you’re from Architectural Digest! First I’ll explain the six most common palettes. Then I’ll list 10 marvelous color ideas inspired from past art – sure to encourage your next masterpiece! Use this as a go-to guide for color creativity and challenge yourself to make art following the palettes listed below!

Different Types of Color Palettes

First is the well-known, super-consistent Monochromatic palette. (Mono stands for “Alone, Singular, One”, for anyone looking to expand their vocabulary for stimulating dinner party conversation.) Instead of using ALL the color, this palette uses an assortment of tones and shades of a single color. Don’t worry it’s not boring. This color scheme is gorgeous! I’ll show you how to color it below.

Second, the Analogous color scheme. It is made of three colors next to each other on the color wheel. This neighborly triad is super popular when you do not need contrast. Wait what was that? You don’t have the color wheel memorized? No Worries! I’ve included one below – because I appreciate YOU. (Side note: A color wheel is fabulously convenient when you’re working on home décor or visiting Sherwin Williams. So be sure to save it!)

Third is the Complimentary palette. This is made of colors in front or across from each other on the color wheel. In a way this is the opposite of the analogous palette. Complimentary colors are all about contrast! They stand out like that super tempting red button in cartoons. Color designers love using this scheme in their home projects.

Can I just stop here for a moment and say you are becoming a PRO color palette maker and I am super proud off your smartness. (Smartness is an actual word. I googled it.)

Fourth is the Split-Complementary palette. Similar to the complimentary palette, but it uses more colors. Take one color then TWO on the opposite side of the color wheel. For example take blue as your first color then yellow and red – BAM! You have a Split-complimentary palette.

Fifth is Triadic, which includes three color that are equidistant on the color wheel. (Side note, “equidistant” is one of my fave words and I am SUPER excited to use it in a sentence.) Usually, one color is the primary dominant color in this palette and the other two are the backup singers in the band (only these are accent colors).

Sixth and final palette is Tetradic. This has two sets of complimentary pairs (ooooh we’re getting complicated now!) So it includes four colors that will form a rectangle when connected on the color wheel.

10 Marvelous Color Palettes

Quick side note: these palettes were created using the Canva palette tool here.

  1. “Water Drops on a Young Columbine at Sunrise” by Harold Davis: This green color palette is refreshing and monochromatic! Green is symbolically associated with life and renewal. What an energizing color scheme! Remember you can always add much darker and lighter tones of green to create a sense of depth in your coloring masterpiece.
Water Drops_Monochromatic_Palette

2. “Mona Lisa” by Leonardo Da Vinci: YUP! I’m telling you to tap your inner Leonardo! This painting is famously dogged by two questions since the day it was made: Who’s the subject and why is she smiling? But we will just take the colors and leave the rest to art historians. These earth tones are wholesome and comforting. A lovely autumn color palette! Maybe YOU’LL have a little Mona Lisa smile while you create art with these colors.

Mona Lisa Color Palette

3. “Nocturne, Blue and Silver” by James Whistler: This palette is MOSTLY analogous. A couple complimentary colors are thrown in. But the title really tells it all (thanks for being straight with us Whistler!) A gorgeous blue color palette to soothe the soul. These pretty colors are calming and lovely!

Whistler Nocturne Blue and Silver Palette

4. “Girl with a Pearl Earring” by Johannes Vermeer: If you’ve never Vermeered have you truly ever colored?! Technically speaking, this isn’t a portrait. It’s an example of the Dutch genre called a tronie—a headshot meant to be a still life of facial features instead of an attempt to capture a likeness. Look at that dark Cinder color! What a fantastic contrast to the light blue. Just proves that different colors can play together so well!

Vermeer, Girl with a Pearl Earring_Palette

5. “Self Portrait” by Vincent van Gogh: Go take a look in the mirror (I’ll wait.) How many colors did you see? Van Gogh saw them all! But this particular painting really rocks a Complimentary color palette. Blue and orange are the best playmates in this art and will work marvelously in your next coloring! Speaking of faces, isn’t it amazing how a color palette for a painting can also work for makeup inspiration. Seriously, for your next eyeshadow palette try to sneak in a touch of orange and blue. Go bold! 😉

Van Gogh Complimentary Palette

You are halfway through this new color palette list! Keep going!

6. “The Birth of Venus” by Botticelli: Did you know this was the first full-length, non-religious nude since antiquity?! This Venus was HATED by Savonarola, the Dominican monk who despised luxury in Florence. He wanted the painting burnt on a pyre (with other opulent objects). Somehow Venus was spared. But Botticelli, was so freaked out by the incident that he gave up painting for a while. Think about that when you use this palette – it was meant to be burnt on a pyre!! The color palette from this image is all about nature and has an earthly beauty.

Botticelli The Birth of Venus_Palette

7. “Regatta At Argenteuil” by Claude Monet: I can practically HEAR the water and rocking boats in this painting! It’s time for you to summon your inner Monet with this Split Complimentary color palette. OOhhh! Now you can sound a color BOSS when you show off your super fancy coloring masterpiece inspired by Monet AND a complicated color palette. Bam! We just turned your coloring into some stunning DIY home décor to make Monet proud.

Claude-Monet-Regatta-At-Argenteuil Palette

8. “The Kiss” by Gustav Klimt: This painting was a highpoint of the Klimt’s Golden Phase when he often used gold leaf (and you thought YOUR coloring supplies were expensive). Gold leaf was inspired by a 1903 trip to the Basilica di San Vitale in Ravenna, Italy. While there he saw the church’s famed Byzantine mosaics. Which proves that you can find inspiration from many different forms of art, cultures and times! Use this perfect color palette today.

9. “Koi” by Sarah Ann Smith – I am loving this Triadic color palette! Her supporting blue and greens are great support for the orange. Remember! One color is the headliner in this palette show – so let that orange sing! A creative color scheme is also fabulous home décor, so go ahead and hand your colored masterpiece on the wall when you’re done.

Koi_sarah ann smith_Triadic_Palette

10. “Green Stripe” by Matisse: You’re not seeing things, she legit has a green stripe down her face. Shout out to Matisse for making this vibrant, exciting Tetradic color palette! Why the green stripe? Matisse wanted to create a sense of light, shadow, and volume without using traditional shading. Fun fact, this was the artist’s wife.  Who knew art history paintings could be such a treasure trove of color ideas?!

matisse Tatradic Palette

And here’s an image of the color wheel I promised you:

Color Wheel

Also, if you are super serious about creating your own palettes and mixing colors, you absolutely should have a color wheel at the ready! Remember this wheel also comes in handy for all your interior design and DIY home projects. I suggest this one here. This package includes one Color Wheel and one Creative Color Wheel. The easy-to-use color mixing guide visually illustrates relationships between colors and demonstrates the results. Now you can create ALL the colorful schemes!

Time for a happy colorist happy dance! You now have 10 marvelous new color schemes!

These color palettes above are meant to inspire and challenge you! Choose one or all of them to try during  your next coloring adventure. Do you have any favorite photos or works of art that you want to use for your next palette? Check out the crazy-easy color palette tool on Canva here.

Do you have a new project or coloring page ready for your new color palettes? No? No problem! Check out the digital coloring books, pages and more in my Coloring Shop HERE. Download and start coloring today!

Have you tried any of these color schemes yet? Tell me! Show me! For real, I love seeing coloring masterpieces. Comment here OR find me on social media and share! Below are my social links where you can find me and brighten up my day with YOUR creativity!

Sign Up For My Monthly Newsletter For FREE Coloring Pages, Tips, Savings, and MORE!

FIY – Some of the links in this post are affiliate connections to Amazon that enable me to collect commission.


3 Simple Things You Need to Start Your Printable Coloring Adventure!

Printable coloring is all the things: easy access, affordable and versatile!

Here’s how printable coloring works: You download an image you love, print it and color it! Want to try a different palette of colors? A new medium? A unique technique? Just print the image again! And again! (Cue maniacal colorist laughter.)

But what do you need to start this fantastic printable coloring adventure? I’m about to tell you the three things you need. I’ll go into a bit of detail for each of them. But really it’s only three things for this home craft idea. (Psst! Want a cheat sheet? Scroll down for the “Print at Home Infographic”!)

1. A Printer

Oooooh! I’ve stunned you now! Yes. For printable coloring book pages you need a printer. But what TYPE of printer? Inkjet or laser is the common question. The answer is laser! Yes indeed they are a sometimes more expensive – but they really pay off in the long run with coloring printables. You are going to be creating art! You need something that will give you a quality experience. And laser printers can print way more pages than inkjet. That’s a handy gizmo for a home office printer and all your DIY home projects!

Moreover, laser printers use dry toner – which means their ink wont smudge. This is good news! Especially if you like to color with markers. Did you know that colored pencils can smear ink too? Not that I’ve EVER done such a thing while coloring (and then muttered some colorful words while printing a new page…)

Also, laser printed images look better. They give you high-resolution images with marvelous sharp lines. Hands down they are the best printer for crafters.

On the other hand, do you already have in inkjet printer? That’s cool. No shame. Just be sure to print your coloring pages well in advance to give the pages time to dry before you start coloring. Give them a solid 24 hours to dry – 48 hours if you want to be super safe. You can still OWN printable coloring as your homemade craft of choice! YES!

In case you are in the market for the best printer for crafting, look for a monochrome laser printer. And make sure it has a flat feed, to accommodate thicker kinds of paper. Check out this top rated monochrome printer on Amazon (yes, I’m shopping for you): Brother Compact Monochrome Laser Printer

2. Printable Coloring Paper

Yeah, I know. I’ve shocked you again. But what type of printer paper for your crafty ideas and printable coloring sheets? Well that’s a bit of a personal question for colorists. It depends on your preferred medium and style. Let me break it down with this little list:

  1. 65LB Light Cardstock – For Colored Pencils, pastels, crayons and chalk. Not good for markers or wet media, which will warp the paper. Notably these sheets are very affordable! In fact I always have a pack on hand for quick coloring fun. Available here: Neenah Bright White Cardstock, 8.5″ x 11″
  2. 110LB Cardstock – For colored pencils and slightly wet media. I love using this paper for blending colored pencils. But what the heck is “slightly wet”? In general gel pens, fineliner pens, and some markers. Be careful with the amount of moisture in your medium. There’s still the risk of warping the paper. Nevertheless this is a great choice for paper crafting projects! Available here: Neenah Cardstock – Heavyweight, 110 lb, 8.5″ x 11″
  3. Canson Watercolor Paper – For Colored pencils, pens, markers and watercolor paint. This is when you can go crazy! This super thick paper comes in 9×12” sheets, so you should cut them to size for your printer. But beware! This fabulous paper can be a bit too thick for some printers. A flat feed printer is a must with such robust paper. Moreover I currently have TWO of these pads in my studio. A colorist should never be without watercolor paper! It’s fantastic for crafts for home décor. Available here: Canson Watercolor Paper Pad, 30-Sheet, 9-Inch by 12-Inch
Stag With Wreath Coloring Page

3. Printable Coloring: Resolution

What does that even mean?! Crispness! You and I both know that blurred, fuzzy lines do not make great digital coloring art pages. We are artists! We have standards!

If you see a coloring page online that blurry (usually these culprits are offered as “Free”), chances are they were stolen. Sometimes artists will offer a free sample, but those are usually crisp and clear. If you see a blurry page back away! Definitely don’t encourage the theft! It hurts the artists who are working to create art for your coloring enjoyment. (OK, I’ll get off my soapbox now.)

The common resolution is 300 PPI (pixels per inch). And wouldn’t you know? The printable coloring pages in MY SHOP are already set to 300 PPI and set to 8”x10” to fit on most printer paper. What luck!

Three Things for Printable Coloring Infographic

Print Coloring Pages: Bonus Round!

Unique Paper Finds!

I just reviewed the 3 basic things you need to print coloring book pages at home. But what if you want to branch out? What if you are a creative colorist who likes to experiment? Of course, you are a daring crafter and I am here for YOU! Coloring page inspiration can come from many craft paper ideas. Check out this list of fun and funky paper you can use:

  1. Brown Kraft Cardstock – Warm brown paper ready for some hardcore coloring? Yes please! Try using lighter colors on this paper to really make your image pop! Whites, creams, and pastels are shouting for a chance to color here. Available here: 120 Pack Kraft Paper – Brown Stationery Paper
  2. Antique Looking Vintage Papers – This is lighter paper, so be careful what medium you use. BUT IMAGINE! Your coloring home art on vintage-looking paper. Gah! Classy and fun. Available here: Aged Paper -120 Sheets of Antique Looking Vintage Papers -Classic Aged Paper Design
  3. Bright Color Card Stock Paper – I see you! You are a brave colorist who embraces color. You don’t shy away from vibrant paper craft ideas. Furthermore these cardstock sheets give you the variety you need. Just a reminder: paper color will effect the way your medium looks. A red pencil mark looks WAY different on white paper versus blue paper. Available here: Bright Color Card Stock Paper, 8.5 x 11″ Multi-Color Cardstock for Greetings

Do you have instant download adult coloring pages ready to print yet? No worries! I got you! Check out my hand-drawn digital coloring pages HERE! Seriously. Every printable coloring page has been drawn by hand. PLUS these gorgeous grayscale images make perfect diy crafts for the home. Easily make new home art when you bring these images to life with color! SHOP NOW!

Printable Coloring Pages Flatlay

Did you enjoy this post? Have you tried coloring yet? Tell me! Show me! For real, I love seeing coloring masterpieces. Comment here OR find me on social media and share! Below are my social links where you can find me and brighten up my day with YOUR creativity!

Sign Up For My Monthly Newsletter For FREE Coloring Pages, Tips, Savings, and MORE!

FIY – Some of the links in this post are affiliate connections to Amazon that enable me to collect commission.


NEW Featured Coloring Page For Your Coloring Pleasure! Check It Out Now!

Check out the featured grayscale coloring page Bulldog With Sunflowers! Lovely hand-drawn art from Artistry By Lisa Marie! Order this original printable coloring page HERE to color today!

Bulldog with Sunflowers Coloring Page

This beautiful printable coloring book page is all you need to release your inner artist.

Similarly, professionally hand-drawn in grayscale, this original work of art is your source for endless hours of fun, relaxation and lovely realistic art that almost jumps off the page.

  • Hand-drawn grayscale art (by a classically trained artist) to give your final image a more realistic look and a beautiful masterpiece you will be proud to display.
  • Exceptional detail to keep you engaged and inspired while you color
  • Printable for easy access to coloring and the ability to try new colors, techniques and improve your coloring skills. (Plus, no high shipping fee or endless waiting for your new stunning coloring sheet.)
  • Above all, gorgeous work of art that is accessible for coloring beginners or pros to enjoy
  • Similarly, an alternative to meditation, as a means of relaxation and as a calming tool

Download, Print, then color in! (In fact, I LOVE when customers show me images of their final coloring page masterpieces, hint hint hint.)


About My Digital Download Coloring Book Page


  • You are purchasing an Instant DIGITAL PRINT DOWNLOAD.
  • The design arrives as a high resolution PDF file sized 8×10 inch and a JPG file sized 5×7 inch, both at 300dpi
  •  © Artistry by Lisa Marie. Copyright not transferable with sale.
  • This digital coloring page is in black and white lines, no color print included.
  • Please use for fun only, no commercial use.
  • Do not transfer or sell file
  • No Refunds given

Again, this is a printable digital art print.

© Artistry by Lisa Marie. Copyright not transferable with sale.


How It Works: First you place your order. Next you go to a page to download the PDF of the coloring page. After that, you are allowed 1 download and have 48 hours to download your purchase.


Have you ever colored grayscale coloring pages before? No worries! I got you covered! Check out my Ultimate Beginners Guide to Really Gorgeous Grayscale Coloring.

Wait, wait, wait! PRINTABLE coloring? What the heck is that? How do you even start? Relax! Leisurely click to my list of The 3 Things You Need to Start Your Printable Coloring Page Adventure!

Have you tried coloring this image yet? Tell me! Show me! For real, I love seeing coloring masterpieces. Comment here OR find me on social media and share! Below are my social links where you can find me and brighten up my day with YOUR creativity!

Sign Up For My Monthly Newsletter For FREE Coloring Pages, Tips, Savings, and MORE!


Ready For Your Ultimate Beginners Guide to Really Gorgeous Grayscale Coloring?

What is Grayscale Coloring?

What the heck is grayscale coloring anyway? First things first, grayscale means a range of gray shades from white to black.  Grayscale coloring is when YOU (the marvelous colorist that you are) add color to an image that already has shading. This makes it much easier to create a more realistic coloring in less time.  It helps make a more professional looking image. So grayscale coloring pages for adults save time and look great! Ba-BAM!

(Quick Tip: Keep scrolling down to find a fantastic grayscale coloring infographic you can save for future reference!)

The Details

Another nice feature of grayscale coloring is the detail work. You can follow the details precisely (hello, realism and FUN DIY arts and crafts ideas!). Or you can let them be a general guide. OR you can ignore them completely. The grayscale coloring is a starting point. I mean really, there are no hard and fast rules in your magical coloring world! MAYBE this is just a relaxing thing to do while you enjoy some life inspiration. (This is me giving you permission to relax and focus on yourself!!)

Color on Grayscale

Also let’s talk about color. Perhaps you’re wondering “How do I color grayscale coloring book pages? I need a coloring tutorial to make my image realistic!” OK, yes, the starting image is realistic. But you are free to choose any colors you want. Certainly you can challenge yourself to create the most stunning, photo-realistic image possible. (Side Note: if you are a hardcore realistic you should look up art by William-Adolphe Bouguereau. Swoon!) But you can also experiment with a bunch of fun new color inspiration. Don’t think bright and funky colors are classy? Look up the Sistine Chapel by Michelangelo. That dude rocked a vivid palette of colors!

Not sure what color palette you prefer? Try them all! Seriously, go get yourself a digital printable coloring page that you can download at home. Print as many times as you want to try different colors! (I even have a few for you HERE. Enjoy!)

Next there is the straight up question: But HOW do I color grayscale?!

Gotcha. You want a straight coloring tip. Here is the super simple starter grayscale coloring guide:

  1. Light colors over light grays
  2. Dark colors over dark grays
  3. Medium colors in between to seamlessly blend light to dark

Take that tip a step further. Better yourself as a master colorist and try to get three tones for each color you want to use. Gonna rock a green? Try to have a light, medium and dark green standing by to make your coloring masterpiece.

That’s it. You can even separate out your colors into dark, medium and light before you start coloring if you want to really organize the heck out this. No judging. You do you!

Remember you can also overlap, or blend, your colors! Personally, I like to apply pigments with light pressure. That way you don’t fill all the tooth, or texture, in the paper. So there’s more room on the paper surface to share with other colors when you blend. Try it out during your coloring fun! Delicately put down a layer of light blue. Now gently blend a layer of red over the blue. OMG, look at that you are mixing and blending like a pro! Just remember to be cautious around distinct detail areas where you want a strong highlight or shadow (for example: the gleaming reflection of light in an eye).

Now what about those SUPER dark parts of the grayscale image. The ones that look almost black? Do you leave them alone? NOPE! Add a dark color over them! Ok, sure, the dark color wont show as vividly as it would on white paper. But it will make that dark section POP. What is better than dark grey? Dark grey with intense red tones! You just turned your arts and crafts project into some cool art!

Oh look! A super stupendous grayscale coloring infographic! Feel free to save and share this image:
Grayscale Coloring Guide

Grayscale Coloring Supplies

Every colorist needs some coloring stuff to make their masterpiece! Eventually you will learn what coloring supplies you prefer. And you should definitely experiment! But for starters, I recommend the Prismacolor Premier colored pencils  for coloring over grayscale (Click HERE for a lovely, and affordable pack of 36 pencils). They have vibrant colors and blend nicely. Want to branch out? Try mediums that can blend (watercolor pencils, acrylic paint, pastels, blendable markers, etc. – I’m basically just showing you my studio shopping list). Also, Gel pens and fine tipped markers can work well for detail work.

And then there’s paper. Are you printing your coloring page at home? Coloring printables are the best! With DIY coloring book pages, regular printer paper will do in a pinch. Again, no judging. But a slightly “heavier” paper will usually have more tooth (texture) to hold more pigment. Standard printer paper is 20lb and will work in a pinch. But I like 110LB Cardstock paper. It’s great for colored pencils and slightly wet media such as: Gel pens, fineliner pens, and some markers. (Oh look, here’s a link to some great 110LB Cardstock paper! It’s like I ENJOY shopping!) This is the beauty of digital coloring pages – you can print them as many times as you like on any paper you like! (Ahem, did you know you can order hand-drawn printable coloring pages in my shop HERE)

Your paper and color choices are endless! And it’s all up to you. Do what you want. Choose the colors you love. The paper you like. Because as awesome as this coloring guide is (and it IS The Ultimate Beginners Guide to Grayscale Coloring) it’s all about you. Have fun! Relax! Get creative! And start grayscale coloring today!

Are you past the “beginner” stage of grayscale coloring? Want something a little more in-depth? Check out these super FUN Coloring Tutorials from my studio! Here’s a sample video coloring in one of my grayscale coloring pages:

Did you enjoy this post?

Have you tried coloring yet? Tell me! Show me! For real, I love seeing coloring masterpieces. Comment here OR find me on social media and share! Below are my social links where you can find me and brighten up my day with YOUR creativity!

Did you enjoy this super fantastic post? Subscribe to my monthly newsletter so you don’t miss the next post. PLUS – every newsletter includes a FREE printable (coloring page, or card, or something else wonderful) and MORE! Sign up below…

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Sign Up For My Monthly Newsletter For FREE Coloring Pages, Tips, Savings, and MORE!

FIY – Some of the links in this post are affiliate connections to Amazon that enable me to collect commission.

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