
My 4 Favorite Adult Coloring Supplies! A Shopping Spree at Blick Art

Oh, hello Christmas shopping season! Why, yes, I would like to look around for some marvelous coloring supplies, particularly the top four items that I personally always use in my studio. And DOUBLE YES, I am going to peruse one of my favorite places to shop: Blick Art! Of course I also have my eye on the calendar. Due to delayed shipping this years (ahem, cargo ships) there’s a bit of pressure to place orders early to make sure everything arrives before the holidays.

Not sure how to use the items listed below? Now worries! I have some fantastic, fun and FREE coloring tutorials on my YouTube channel! Go take a look to start coloring like a pro!

First I’ll dwell lovingly on my 4 favorite art supplies this year. THEN I’ll show you where to find some new spectacular deals. And yes, I’ve heard there are some concerns about delayed shipping. So fair warning, if you want to have a coloring party this holiday season, please make sure you order your supplies ASAP!

  • Prismacolor Pencils: OK so first and foremost, if anyone has watched any of my coloring videos then you know I’m a big fan of Prismacolor colored pencils. No, they are not the fanciest pencils out there. But they are affordable, easy access, have a wide variety of colors PLUS they have great customer service. And I like that they don’t break my bank account while keeping my art studio stocked.

(Remember to meander over to my Coloring Tutorials to see how I use colored pencils in the studio!)   

prismacolor pencils
  • Mono Zero Eraser: Next I’m going to erase everything I just did. Alright that’s an exaggeration. I’m actually going to erase with precision! I love to take away minute details and create elegant erase lines with my Mono Zero Eraser. I’m a control freak when I’m making detailed erase lines and this eraser gives me all the confidence to create my art. PLUS, it’s refillable. So this is a great time to stock up on more refills for the upcoming year!
Mono zero eraser
  • Pan Pastels: Alright, I’m going to need some more color. And one of the best mediums to compliment colored pencils and erasers is the Pan Pastel collection! They provide smooth color coverage over paper, blend together nicely, have rich hues, you can erase it AND apply colored pencil over it. BAM! These three mediums together make a great trifecta of awesome artsy power!

(Want to see how I mix Pan Pastels and colored pencils? Go check out this Coloring Tutorial)

  • Gelly Roll Pens: Now it’s time for one more medium that can go over Pan Pastel and go toe-to-toe with colored pencils is the Gelly Roll pen set. Again, this is NOT a high-end luxury item that’s going to break the bank. But that’s the point. They do a great job providing colorful ink without ruining your budget. And the rich colors in Gelly Roll pens can help bring another dimension of fun to your creativity.

(Need a little inspiration for mixing Gelly Rolls with Pan Pastel and colored pencils? There’s a Coloring Video for that!)

Gelly Roll Pens

**Side Note For Paper: This is the point where anyone who loves to print their own coloring pages starts to wave their hands in the air and shout “Wait! What about paper?!” I mean, I’m just guessing they’d shout. Maybe it would be just an irritated murmur that paper wasn’t included in this list. Anyway – No Problem! I reviewed several top quality paper choices, perfect for printing coloring pages at home! Check it out here:

Coloring Page paper choices

So there is my list of top four favorite coloring supplies. But because I was care to NOT blow my shopping budget, I have a few extra pennies in my pocket! They’re kind of burning a hole there. So I better spend them on some sales!

YUP! It’ the shopping bonus round! Don’t get me wrong, first and foremost I will buy my 4 favorites and stock up my studio for the upcoming year. But Blick has some Hot Deals every week. And since I am careful to balance quality and cost, that means I can splurge a few extra treats.

Their sales change every week, and since I can’t be sure what week you will be reading this magnificent post I suggest you head straight to their Hot Deals page to shop for yourself.


Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links and I may earn a commission if you click them and make a purchase (at no cost to you). This post is otherwise NOT sponsored or endorsed by any of the brands mentioned or reviewed.

About Artistry By Lisa Marie:

About The Artist Artistry By Lisa Marie

Artistry By Lisa Marie is a small art studio located in Rochester, NY.  It currently consists of Lisa Marie, a hoard of colored pencils and her two small boys (her husband John is a computer geek with no artistic skill and has bowed out of the art business).  Lisa Marie has been professionally creating art for over a decade and has created an extensive library of stunning hand-drawn coloring pages, all available for digital download.  While she has a Master’s in Art History and can talk your ear off about the Old Masters, her background is custom pet portraits and beautiful coloring pages.  Her main interests are encouraging creativity and helping colorists release their inner artist and relax.

More Reading Suggestions:

Want to start your collection of gorgeous printable coloring pages? Visit my hand-drawn grayscale coloring books and pages in my Coloring Shop! Instant download to enjoy today!

Not sure how to color in grayscale? Check out this fantastic Beginners Guide To Grayscale Coloring!

Wait, wait, wait! PRINTABLE coloring? What the heck is that? How do you even start? Relax! Leisurely click to my list of The 3 Things You Need to Start Your Printable Coloring Page Adventure!

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