
Master Pastel Backgrounds with These 3 Essential Tools

Create Stunning Pastel Backgrounds with These 3 Essential Tools

Pastels! Have you ever wanted to use them as your background color? But you don’t know what you even need to start? This is a common concern for artists when using a new art medium.

Today I will show you 3 tools you need to use pastels in your background. PLUS, stick around to the end for a bonus tool that no one knows about but everyone should use.

(Don’t feel like reading? Watch the video version of this post HERE!)

1. Pastels

Jumping right in, the first tool you need is…pastels! Yes, I know I stunned you with that one. But there are lots of pastels out there. So, you might get stuck on this first step. I suggest Pan Pastels. HOWEVER I recommend you buy just one. Yes, you read that right, just one to start. They can come in large sets that can be a bit expensive. But you don’t need a whole set to begin. You can buy colors individually online.

What color should you buy? Well, that’s a bit of a personal question for each artist. I recommend you go look at your past colorings and art. What colors do you use the most? Do you lean more towards earth tones like browns, greens and oranges. Or are you all about cool colors like blues and purples?

Choose a hue that fits into the color scheme that you use frequently. This is your test and experiment color.

pan pastels

Next, you might be asking WHY I suggest pan pastels. Excellent question! Several reasons:

  1. They are super bright colors! These pastels are soft and have less binder in them, so there’s nothing diluting their strong color pigments.
  2. They play nicely with colored pencils. One of the most common mediums artists and colorists use are colored pencils! So, it just makes sense to use something that can work with pencils.
  3. They are erasable! Yes, part of creating a lovely background is being able to erase it.

And that leads me nicely to the next tool you need for a pastel background…

2. Erasers!

Alright, we have a pan pastel which is erasable. Naturally, we need erasers. WHY? Because no one is perfect and sometimes we go over the lines. Also, we can use erasers to create interesting effects and textures in the pastels. And there are 2 different types of erasers I recommend.

First, the Tombow Mono Zero Eraser. I’m especially a fan of the size 2.3 millimeter. This is for your precision erasing! Fine lines, extra small details, crisp detailed erasing at its finest. This is the eraser for you!

Second, the good old fashion kneaded eraser! These are for broad strokes of erasingTombow eraser image over large surface areas. There’s a reason these erasers are so popular among artists. They are absorbent to help pull up color and malleable so you can knead them into whatever shape you want.

kneaded eraser

I strongly recommend BOTH erasers…but if you HAD to choose just one, then go with the kneaded eraser to start. You can twist it to a small, precise shape to erase little areas on your paper. It won’t be as precise as the Tombow, but it’ll do in a pinch.

**What about you? Do you like to use a variety of erasers when you color? Or is there just one eraser to rule them all in your art studio? Leave a comment and let me know!**

3. Applicators!

Pan pastels come with applicators when you buy the sets, and you can buy them separately. HOWEVER, you can also buy makeup applicators in bulk for way less money. If it’s gentle enough to go on your face, it’s gentle enough to go on paper. I like eyeshadow applicators for smaller detail work with pastels and larger makeup applicators for large surface areas.

eye shadow applicators

And, seriously, as an artist and a mom on a tight budget – I LOVE getting affordable art supplies in bulk.

You can experiment with these applicators and pastels on scrap paper. But they are very easy to use together.

Here’s an image of my glorious scribbling. Ah yes, another drawing masterpiece.

*OK, so those are the three basic tools you need to start your pastel background. But I promised you a bonus tool! Before I share that with you – if this post is helpful or inspiring on your artistic journey, or if you REALLY  want to go next level – then sign up for my monthly studio newsletter! You’ll get freebies like free coloring pages, the latest drawing and coloring tutorials and special access to coupons and sales in my coloring shop. 

Alright – so we have our pastels, our erasers and applicators. What else do we need to start coloring pastel backgrounds?

BONUS: Maulstick!

Such a random tool but if you do any coloring for extended time, you should have it! These doodads were initially recorded in the 16th century. It’s a German word – roughly translates to “painter-stick”. Which makes sense because it is a stick with a padded ball at one end that painters used. The padded end goes next to the art on the table or whatever surface your working on, the raised stick is where you rest your arm or wrist.

This is all about comfort and ease! The maulstick will help your arm and shoulder relax while you color. That means less muscle strain and less neck pain. Maulstick image

Also, the maulstick helps prevent your hand from brushing on your pastel background – which would cause the dreaded smudging that all artists despise. Remember pastels are soft and can smudge easily! The maulstick will help prevent all of that.

There’s a nice one with an aluminum rod and artificial leather ball that works well – you can check it out right here.

There’s more to learn…

Those are your BASIC pastel supplies. And I know some of you are saying that you want to go next level, especially with your coloring skills. Welp there’s a playlist for that! Go check out my playlist on YouTube all about different coloring techniques called “Color Like A Pro.” 

About Me:

Hi everyone I’m Lisa Marie from Artistry by Lisa Marie. For those of you who don’t know me, I’ve been a professional artist for over a decade. When I was 15 years old I apprenticed in an artist’s studio for several years then earned a Masters in Art History in Florence, Italy while studying the techniques of the Renaissance masters. Today I create custom portraits and coloring books and pages.


Ohuhu Markers:

Prismacolor Pencils:

Pan Pastels:

Ohuhu 10″x7.6″ Mixed Media Art Sketchbook:

Wood Mahl Stick:

Neenah Vellum Bristol Cardstock Paper:

Flymax Paint Marker .7mm White:

Tombow Mono Zero Eraser 2.3mm:

Ranger Tim Holtz Distress Ink:

Some of the links above are affiliated links, at no extra cost to you.

Lisa Marie Newsletter Image


4 Essential Drawing Supplies For SERIOUS Beginners

Let’s get to basics and start drawing!

Have you ever wondered “What are the basic tools I need to sketch a picture? Like, The ABSOLUTE bare minimum, basic tools?” Well today I am going to quickly show you FOUR basic tools I use in my studio to create sketches for custom portrait orders. And stick around to the end for a BONUS tool everyone forgets to ask about.

My Background…And if you’re new here I’m Lisa Marie, welcome to my studio! I’ve been a professional artist for over a decade. I earned a Master’s in art history in Florence, Italy while studying the renaissance masters. And today I stay pretty busy drawing custom pet portraits and coloring books.

Alright, now that introductions are out of the way let’s jump right into the four essential drawing supplies for serious beginners. (All of these will be listed nicely for you at the bottom of this post as well!)

1. Drawing Paper

Alright, First up is Paper! Yes! If you are going to do a pencil sketch it is fairly common for you to need paper to draw on. But not just ANY paper! I recommend paper with a bit of tooth (or texture) to grab the graphite of the pencil. Also, you want thicker (or heavier) paper that can take lots of layers of graphite and color – otherwise it will tear.  So what paper is the best? Well…it depends on what your end goal is!

Bachmore sketch Book image

If you are doing ONLY a sketch in pencil and no other medium is being added to it, then a nice sketch book will do!

I like the Bachmore Sketchbook. It is spiralbound so the pages flip nicely to give you a flat surface to work on AND the binding is at the TOP of the pad. So you can work on it easily if you are right or left handed. (If you’ve see ANY of my drawing videos on YouTube, you know I’m lefty!) The paper is acid-free so it wont yellow over time. Also, the paper weight is 68 pounds – which means it is heavier paper and it’s 9x12 inches so there’s lots of surface are to work with.

Canson Watercolor Paper imge

Alright, but what if you want paper that can REALLY go the distance and go from sketch to final drawing all in one piece of paper? Then I suggest you check out Canson Watercolor Textured paper. It is NOT just for watercolor! This paper can take pencil, ink, charcoal, pastels and acrylic paint! And at 140 pounds, this is some fantastic thick paper that can take a lot of art mediums. SO MANY LAYERS OF COLOR PENCIL can go on this paper! And yes it is acid free and 9x12 inches – so it won’t yellow and gives you lots of surface area.

2. Drawing Pencil

Next is the Pencil. Yup! If you want to sketch a picture I strongly recommend you get a pencil. And like I said in the beginning, I am keeping this super basic. You DON’T need an entire set of pencils to make a sketch! You need a grand total of…ONE. Yes indeed, just one pencil will do. What you really want is a pencil that’s nice to hold, easy to use and can easily refill on quality graphite – because we’re not wasting time sharpening pencils. We’re going mechanical!

Pentel drafting pencil

First I suggest the Pentel GraphGear drafting pencil. It’s metallic mesh grip is easy to hold for hours – and yes, I have sketched for hours with this pencil. The .5 millimeter graphite gives you a nice fine point. And it’s weighted at your fingertips to help with precision drawing. The lead is HB – which is the standard medium grade lead – not the darkest and not the lightest. HB grade lead is the same level of darkness as a number 2 pencil. ALSO, if you ever draw an “oops,” there’s a nice little eraser hidden under the silver cap at the top of the pencil.

Pentel Drafting Pencil 1000

What’s that? You want to go NEXT LEVEL with your single pencil selection?

Alright, I hear you. You want basic drawing supplies that aren’t TOO basic. Then I suggest the Pentel GraphGear 1000 mechanical pencil. Same brand as the other pencil and also HB lead that makes a nice, clear line. BUT it has a very fancy dual-action retractable tip that protects the lead from breakage. AND it’s extremely comfortable grip has soft padding for the fingers. It’s kind of the Cadillac of basic pencils.

NOW, little disclaimer, I’m not saying these are the only pencils. If you want to go into entire sets of pencils and collecting pencils, that’s a whole other conversation. Today the focus is on bare minimum basics. (Read my review of the NicPro Pencil Set HERE.)

3. Eraser

Tombow erasewr image

OK, you have paper and pencil, next you need an Eraser! Because we all make mistakes. But not just that. A lot of drawing style include a subtractive element where you NEED to take away graphite to get the right effect or texture. So you want more than just the basic eraser that comes in the mechanical pencils. And I like the Tombow Mono Zero Eraser. It comes in a few sizes, but I always have the 2.3 millimeter for precision erasing. The eraser is soft enough that it won’t damage the paper and the erasers are refillable.

kneaded eraser

If you want to cover more surface area for erasing, then get yourself a go old fashion standard Kneaded Rubber Eraser.

If you want to cover more surface area for erasing, then get yourself a go old fashion standard Kneaded Rubber Eraser. They are made of absorbent material to help lift up pencil lead. And they’re easy to clean by simply kneading the eraser between your fingers. AND since they are so malleable, you can squish them into any shape you want for your erasing or highlighting needs. Plus, they don’t leave erasing residue on the paper.

OK, let’s do a recap! You have paper, pencils and an eraser. What else do you need for your basic, bare minimum sketch? Just one more thing. PLUS a super bonus tool!

***And remember, there’s a straightforward bulleted list of all these drawing supplies below!***

4. Paint Brushes

paint brushes

Next up you need Paint Brushes! I’ll bet you didn’t see that coming.

But hear me out. If you want to blend your graphite and smooth out shading, paint brushes are perfect. They’re soft enough to blend without losing the under drawing. PLUS they come in a variety of sizes and shapes, so you can use a brush that conforms to the size and style of your pencil sketch. You may want to get the Bosobo Paint Brush Set. They come as a set of 10, are fairly high quality with durable synthetic nylon bristles and sturdy wooden handles. Easy to clean with warm soapy water and let them air dry. And come in a nice variety of shapes and sizes. And of course, you can also use them with paint! Just in case you decide to turn your sketch into a painting masterpiece.

So what do you think? Do you use paint brushes when you sketch? Or would you try them? Leave a comment below and let me know!

And FINALLY, the bonus tool for your basic sketching needs….drum roll please….

5. BONUS! Maulstick

Maulstick image

The Maulstick! Such a random tool but if you do any drawing for extended time you should have it!

These doodads were initially recorded in the 16th century. It’s a German word – roughly translates to “painter-stick”. Which makes sense because it is a stick with a padded ball at one end that painters used. The padded end goes next to the drawing (or painting) on the table or whatever surface your drawing on, the raised stick is where you rest your arm or wrist. THIS IS ALL ABOUT COMFORT AND EASE! The maulstick will help your arm and shoulder relax while you draw. That means less muscle strain and less neck pain. ALSO, it helps prevent your hand from brushing on your drawing – which would cause the dreaded smudging that all artists despise. There’s a nice one with an aluminum rod and artificial leather ball that works well – naturally I’ll put that link for you in the video description.

Alright, so those are your BASIC drawing supplies. And I know some of you are saying that you want to go next level, especially with your pencils and other drawing supplies. Welp there’s a playlist for that! Go check out my playlist on YouTube all about different art supplies from drawing to coloring and more. There’s even a super fun review of the NicPro pencil set you might like.

And if you don’t want to miss the next blog post – OR if you want to have my studio videos and FREE art delivered straight to your inbox, then subscribe to my monthly newsletter!

And as always, STAY CREATIVE!

List of 4 Essential Drawing Supplies For SERIOUS Beginners


Ohuhu Markers:

Prismacolor Pencils:

Pan Pastels:

Ohuhu 10″x7.6″ Mixed Media Art Sketchbook:

Wood Mahl Stick:

Neenah Vellum Bristol Cardstock Paper:

Flymax Paint Marker .7mm White:

Tombow Mono Zero Eraser 2.3mm:

Ranger Tim Holtz Distress Ink:

Some of the links above are affiliated links, at no extra cost to you.

© Artistry by Lisa Marie. Copyright

Some of the links above are affiliated links, at no extra cost to you.


NicPro Mechanical Pencil Set Review!

Get ready for an amazing mechanical pencil review!

Who has the time to sharpen pencils?! Certainly not busy pencil artists who draw all the time. We need that crucial time to be creative. And nothing ruins the artist’s inspiration like slowing down to sharpen that HB pencil. So what is the solution to the pencil-sharpening traffic jam? Mechanical pencils! And today I am going to review the very popular NicPro Mechanical Pencil Set.

Not only will I discuss the set itself, I will also show you how the pencils look on paper. ALSO, I will include a link to a video where you can watch me use this set in an actual drawing!

NicPro mechanical pencil set review

Not only will I discuss the set itself, I will also show you how the pencils look on paper. ALSO, I will include a link to a video where you can watch me use this set in an actual drawing!

So first let’s do a quick run down of everything in this little case.

(ALSO, if you don’t feel like reading this BEAUTIFULLY written blog post, you can watch the review on my YouTube channel HERE)

What’s Included:

FIRST, the mechanical pencils! There’s the size 2.0 pencils (so a bit larger). And we have 2H, HB, and 2B. Next are the grade HB pencils of different sizes: .9, .7 and .5. Eraser refills – I will discuss those more in just a minute. Larger soft erasers. Refills for all the pencils are in the extra little cases. And finally there are two lead pointers – super small and adorable.

What those numbers and letters on drawing pencils mean:

Before I jump over to show how the pencils work, let’s do a quick reminder what all these numbers and letters mean. Pencil lead is a mixture of graphite and clay. The grade, or hardness, of a pencil (which is shown with all those numbers and letters) is due to the proportions of graphite and clay. More graphite makes for a softer lead, and more clay makes for harder lead.

Softer lead makes a darker mark on paper – whereas harder lead makes a lighter mark on paper.

The middle of the road, medium pencil is HB. Softer leads get a B grading with a number to tell you just how soft the lead is. SO 2B is soft, 3B is even MORE soft. And a 5B is REALLY soft. BUT soft lead also crumbles easily so be gentle when you use it.

Leads harder than HB get an H rating. And they are numbered the same way as those soft B pencils. So 2H is a hard lead. A 9H is a REALLY hard lead.

How the mechanical pencils work:

Alright, back to these new pencils!

So how do mechanical pencils work? Quite easily! Just press the back button on the pencil and the graphite will come out on the other end. But be warned! In the NicPro mechanical pencil size 2, you must press the back button gently and tilt the pencil up or the graphite can just fly out. (Yes, I’ve accidentally turned lead into projectile objects in my studio…) At the end of the pencil with the graphite there is a “claw system” that opens when you press the back button to release the lead. To put the lead back, just press that back button to open the claw system again and gently press the lead back in.

The HB pencils are super easy to use than the size 2 pencils in this set. Press that back button the get the lead out. Re-press the back button and press gently to put the lead back in. BUT WAIT, there’s more! OK, so if you take off the cover of that back button you will find an eraser. And that’s where all those eraser refills will go!

Now it’s time to play with these pencils on paper!

So I grabbed my handy sketch book to take a look at that all these different leads look like on paper.

And at this point you might be asking why. Why scribble graphite on paper? For a few reasons.

  1. It’s fun to scribble.
  2. It’s a great way to test the quality of the graphite and see how smooth it is.
  3. To experience the mechanics of this mechanical pencil set.

OK so I started with the size 2, grade 2H pencil. And as I’m making mark on the paper, I pressed harder and lighter, to show you how it looks with different pressure.

Then I moved on to the other pencils in this set.

Next I tested those erasers. The ones in the mechanical pencil and the larger, soft eraser. Both erasers did their job well enough. They weren’t the BEST erasers I’ve ever used and certainly didn’t remove all markings on the paper.

And finally, the lead pointer, I’d use on the size 2 pencils. These are very small pointers. Not sure if I’d use them much. But they are nice to have. Not really the strongest feature in this set for me.

Here’s an image of my glorious scribbling. Ah yes, another drawing masterpiece.

NicPro mechanical pencil set review

Alright, NEXT! I used these on an actual drawing in the studio!

Here’s a picture of me hard at work in the studio, trying out the NicPro mechanical pencil set. If you want to actually watch me in action, you can click the link to this drawing video HERE.

NicPro mechanical pencil set review

4 Factors I Use To Judge Mechanical Pencils Sets:

So there are 4 factors that matter to me as a pencil artist when using this mechanical set: Ease of use, quality of graphite, blend-ability, and quality of accessories – such as erasers and lead pointers.

  1. Ease of Use: The set is fairly easy to use. The pencils and refills are well-labeled. The mechanics of the pencil are straight forward. For the larger pencils, the size 2’s, the lead can come out quickly if I am too fast or angle the pencil the wrong way. So that’s something to be aware of when drawing.
  2. Quality: The graphite quality is very nice. When scribbling test samples and while drawing and actual work of art, the graphite went smoothly onto the paper. It layered well. There was no serious crumbling. The pencils themselves are well made and pleasant to hold.
  3. Blend-ability: This is a factor for me because of my drawing style. I blend much of my pencil art with paint brushes. The graphite in this set blended fairly well. Naturally, the softer graphite (grade B) blended better than the harder (grade H) options in the set.
  4. Accessories: The erasers worked well enough. I would prefer a finer point eraser for some of the detail work that I do. But the small eraser in the mechanical pencils worked OK (had a little wiggle if I pressed too hard). The larger eraser would be more useful for taking care of a large surface area – but wouldn’t completely get rid of ALL pencil marks. So use erasers with caution.

The other accessory, the lead pointer is only useful on the larger leads (the size 2). And you have to be very careful and precise while using it. However, if you want a very fine point it is an extremely useful tool once you get the hang of it.

Final Verdict Of the NicPro Mechanical Pencil Set:

Overall, this is a lovely mechanical pencil set. It is easy to use, has nice quality materials and leads and the accessories are useful. This doesn’t fulfill ALL my drawing needs – but it’s certainly a delightful addition to my studio!

What about YOU? Have you tried this pencil set? Is there a different pencil set you absolutely adore? (I’m always on the lookout for more drawing supplies!) Leave a comment below and let me know!

OK, that’s it for today! Thank you for joining me in the studio. Remember to subscribe to my monthly newsletter so you don’t miss the next posts and videos!

About Me:

Hi everyone I’m Lisa Marie from Artistry by Lisa Marie. For those of you who don’t know me, I’ve been a professional artist for over a decade. When I was 15 years old I apprenticed in an artist’s studio for several years then earned a Masters in Art History in Florence, Italy while studying the techniques of the Renaissance masters. Today I create custom portraits and coloring books and pages.


Ohuhu Markers:

Prismacolor Pencils:

Pan Pastels:

Ohuhu 10″x7.6″ Mixed Media Art Sketchbook:

Wood Mahl Stick:

Neenah Vellum Bristol Cardstock Paper:

Flymax Paint Marker .7mm White:

Tombow Mono Zero Eraser 2.3mm:

Ranger Tim Holtz Distress Ink:

Some of the links above are affiliated links, at no extra cost to you.


4 Reasons Why Prismacolor Pencils are the Perfect Choice for Coloring Books

Whether you are making your unique drawings or expressing your creativity in coloring books, colored pencils are an amazingly popular art medium. We all know coloring books are an easy way to practice and improve one’s art skills while also providing a relaxing and enjoyable activity. And many people agree that colored pencils are the perfect way to add color and texture to these pages, allowing users to express their creativity in unique ways.

With their ease of use and accessibility, colored pencils are often the go-to choice for creating beautiful artwork. But which colored pencil brand should you use? Welp, today I am going to focus on the ever-popular Prismacolor pencil. I frequently use Prismacolor pencils in my art studio and today I’m going to lay out 4 major reasons why!

OK so right away you might be asking: what ARE Prismacolor pencils?

Excellent question! Here’s the answer: Prismacolor pencils are soft core colored pencils made of graphite, clay and binder (no lead!). They use a high pigment content in this core – to try to make their pencils more vibrant than other pencils. And they’ve been working on this colored pencil recipe and creating colored pencils since 1938!

If you scrolled through any of my coloring videos for even a few minutes, you’ll notice that I use Prismacolor pencils fairly frequently. So this is where you may be wondering why. Why the heck did I make Prismacolor pencils my good ol’ fallback art medium?

Personal plug in 3…2…1…

And I use them a LOT! From creating custom portraits to using them on coloring books and pages – Prismacolor pencils are a constant supporting actor in my art studio.

I’m going to get to the 4 reasons why I use Prismacolor pencils in a moment, but a quick reminder you can find links to my favorite drawing and coloring supplies at the bottom of this post. That includes links to Prismacolor Pencils. ALSO, if you like this post be sure to subscribe to my monthly newsletter so you can see more posts, join me in the art studio with videos while I work and enjoy FREEBIES!!

Getting back on track: here are 4 reasons why I often use Prismacolor pencils:

Reason number one – High Pigment Concentration! In other words, they mix a lot of color into the pencil core with all that other binder stuff. Why does pigment concentration matter? Because I want my art to POP off the paper visually. That means the colors are more vibrant and intense. When I color an image I want it to get your attention – that means I need some powerful colors. This is especially true when I’m using coloring books. That’s when I can let loose with colors, play with different vibrant hues and not worry so much about being extremely realistic like I have to be when doing custom portraits. This image is an example when I needed seriously high pigment concentration to color a tetradic color scheme! (Click the image to watch me color it in!)

tetradic color pencil Koala

Reason number two – Easy blending and color laydown! Again, go scroll through my coloring videos for a few minutes and you’ll see that I love to blend and layer my colors. OK so what is layering? That’s when I put many super thin layers of color over each other on paper. The colors of each layer blend together. To do this technique well, I need the colored pencils to blend together smoothly. When colored pencils blend easily it also makes it WAY easier to create soft shading transitions from dark to light.

(In this image I had to use LOTS of blending and layers to get a rich, dark skin tone. Click to image to watch me color it!)

This easy blending characteristic seems to help Prismacolor pencils play well with other mediums as well. I’ve successfully colored them over pastels, markers and ink.

So what about you? Do you layer your color pencils or do just one thick layer of color and move on? Leave me a comment and let me know! I genuinely want to know who else layers their pencil colors. ALSO if you want to learn more about layering color pencils, here’s a tutorial on How To Layer Colored Pencils.

Let’s pause and address the occasional crack in the pencil:

I will say, that soft core that allows for easy blending can also crack – especially if you drop your pencils. But there’s a way to fix it! The sun! Just put your pencil on a warm sunny windowsill for a few hours. The heat from the sun will melt the soft core a little bit. This can help smooth away any cracks.

Reason number three – Multiple options! What options matter to me? Color. I need a large range of colors to choose from. Yes, I know I just said I layer colors and blend them on paper to create the hue I want. But I still want a variety of color options right from the get-go. Currently Prismacolor offers 150 colors. All these color choices mean I can go for accuracy! Want a specific warm, rich brown? Got it! Need a crisp, cool green? They got that too! Have you ever heard the saying “Variety is the spice of life?” Well variety is a necessity for my colored pencils.

(In this image, I had to use a VARIETY of colored pencils – over pastels – to get this colorful picture! Click on the image to watch.)

Colored Pencils and pastels coloring video

Reason number four – affordable price point! OK, these are not the cheapest pencils you can find. HOWEVER, they also aren’t the most expensive. You can find a small pack of Prismacolor pencils at an affordable price. And because they are blendable, you can layer those colors together to get other colors. YES, I will totally agree there are super luxurious pencils out there – but they are way more expensive. And I’m a working mom on a tight art budget.

Alright, speaking of being a working mom – my kids are going to be home soon and I have to wrap this up. But before I go there is ONE SIDE NOTE: One bummer thing to look out for with these pencils is wax bloom. Wax bloom is a natural oxidation process of wax-based materials. Kind of like rust is an oxidation of iron. So wax bloom shows up as a cloudy white film over the color you just put down. IT DOESN’T ALWAYS HAPPEN. Wax bloom is super duper common in warmer climates and for artists who apply greater pressure when working with colored pencils. But if you do happen to get wax bloom, just wipe your drawing gently with a clean, dry cloth and spray it with fixative to seal out air. If you find your drawings are prone to wax bloom, you can use a workable fixative while you layer your colors and then finish with a final fixative.

fixative sprays

Not sure what fixative to use? NO Problem! I have a whole other post reviewing my top favorite fixatives!

Let’s do a quick recap! Why do I use Prismacolor pencils for my art and in coloring books and pages? With their pigment-rich cores and smooth laydown, Prismacolor pencils provide an unparalleled coloring experience that can bring your coloring books to life. These blendable colored pencils offer a wide range of colors that make it easy to create beautiful works of art. They offer a wide variety of vivid colors. And they don’t hurt my wallet or my budget when I buy more.

Whether you are an experienced artist or just starting out, Prismacolor pencils are a fantastic choice for your artistic and coloring book projects.

OK, that’s it for today! Thank you for joining me in the studio. Remember to subscribe to my monthly newsletter so you don’t miss the next posts and videos!

About Me: Hi everyone I’m Lisa Marie from Artistry by Lisa Marie. For those of you who don’t know me, I’ve been a professional artist for over a decade. When I was 15 years old I apprenticed in an artist’s studio for several years then earned a Masters in Art History in Florence, Italy while studying the techniques of the Renaissance masters. Today I create custom portraits and coloring books and pages.


Ohuhu Markers:

Prismacolor Pencils:

Pan Pastels:

Ohuhu 10″x7.6″ Mixed Media Art Sketchbook:

Wood Mahl Stick:

Neenah Vellum Bristol Cardstock Paper:

Flymax Paint Marker .7mm White:

Tombow Mono Zero Eraser 2.3mm:

Ranger Tim Holtz Distress Ink:

Some of the links above are affiliated links, at no extra cost to you.


Stuck Indoors And Stressed? Here Are Six Easy Ways To Relax Today!

The holidays are over…but the stress is not! We all still have a lot of stressors in our lives. These past few years it seems have seen a drastic escalation of anxiety for many people. And with no more Christmas gifts to unwrap, there are a few chilly and worrying winter months ahead of us. The winter blues are no joke and many people this time of year can easily succumb to anxiety. It’s important to take care of your mental health! So what can we do to relax today? What are some easy and (more importantly after all those holiday bills) affordable ways to relax? Not everyone can (or wants) to go outside in the cold to seek out calming activities.

So here are six indoor-friendly, winter accessible, totally easy ways you can reduce stress and relax today.

Chew Gum – It’s actually been proven that chomping on gum can relieve stress! Personally, I can always go for a nice refreshing bit of mint breath. A study done at Swinburne University in Melbourne, Australia found that not only does chewing gum reduce stress and anxiety, it increased alertness! AND it can help improve performance when you are trying to multitask. Just remember what your mother told you and chew with your mouth shut.

relax chewing gum

Indoor Plants – They’re affordable, add a touch of green to a room, and help reduce stress. Ok, actually going out in nature is the real mood booster. But that’s not always an option in the winter. And house plants are super easy-access. Just taking a three-minute break during the day to go hang out with a plant can ease your stress. This has been taken so seriously by serious people that there was a whole study about it done in Japan.

relax with house plants

Listen to Classical Music – Yeah, yeah, we’ve all heard that playing classical music for babies can make them smarter. But it can help us adults too! Neurologist Dr. Michael Schneck found that classical music can help relieve anxiety. Listening to it can lower cortisol levels, which is often associated with stress. Not only that, it can lower your blood pressure and heart rate.

relax listening to music

Okay, so far we have you chewing gum in front of a houseplant while listening to music. Let that mental visual sink in for a moment. What’s next…

Eat Chocolate – Alright this is a personal favorite. But not just ANY chocolate will do. It has to be dark chocolate. Don’t just take my word for it! A study from Loma Linda University Health in California states that eating dark chocolate can lower blood pressure, enhance blood flow, and results in beneficial brain frequency called gamma. In layman terms? Dark chocolate makes your body and brain work better and happier – which reduces stress.

relax with chocolate

Laugh – Who DOESN’T need a good chuckle?! Laughter does lots of great things we need! It brings extra oxygen-rich air to your heart and muscles and increases endorphins released from the brain. Also it can help ease your blood pressure and heart rate – that’s some really fantastic stuff right there! Also it puts you in a good mood, which is super important to any people who are stuck inside with you through the winter. Not judging. Just saying: Don’t be a grumpy gus!

smiling ball

Color – Step aside kids! Coloring is for adults too! In fact, coloring can help relax the amygdala (that’s the fear center of the brain for those of you who don’t feel like googling it). But relaxing your mind, coloring can generate a mental state that is very similar to meditation. It gives you a moment of mental pause that can induce a sense of mindful quietness that can give your thoughts a rest. That is SUPER important when you are stressed out or suffer from anxiety!

adult coloring pages

This the part where you say “Wait a minute lady typing this post! You said I can relax today! If I order a coloring book I have to wait for it to ship and get delivered!” Well, impatient but perceptive reader, you are correct. But the solution is printable coloring pages! Order the exact images you want to color and print them at home or color them in your favorite coloring app. Don’t have a printer? Your local library probably has printing services (often for FREE). Here’s a list of Other Ways To Print Without A Home Printer.

Interested in adult coloring! Here is a whole Coloring Shop full of gorgeous hand-drawn coloring pages you can download and color today!

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links and I may earn a commission if you click them and make a purchase (at no cost to you). This post is otherwise NOT sponsored or endorsed by any of the brands mentioned or reviewed.

About Artistry By Lisa Marie:

About The Artist Artistry By Lisa Marie

Artistry By Lisa Marie is a small art studio located in Rochester, NY.  It currently consists of Lisa Marie, a hoard of colored pencils and her two small boys (her husband John is a computer geek with no artistic skill and has bowed out of the art business).  Lisa Marie has been professionally creating art for over a decade and has created an extensive library of stunning hand-drawn coloring pages, all available for digital download.  While she has a Master’s in Art History and can talk your ear off about the Old Masters, her background is custom pet portraits and beautiful coloring pages.  Her main interests are encouraging creativity and helping colorists release their inner artist and relax.

More Reading Suggestions:

Want to start your collection of gorgeous printable coloring pages? Visit my hand-drawn grayscale coloring books and pages in my Coloring Shop! Instant download to enjoy today!

Not sure how to color in grayscale? Check out this fantastic Beginners Guide To Grayscale Coloring!

Wait, wait, wait! PRINTABLE coloring? What the heck is that? How do you even start? Relax! Leisurely click to my list of The 3 Things You Need to Start Your Printable Coloring Page Adventure!

Lisa Marie Newsletter Image

Sign Up For My Monthly Newsletter For FREE Coloring Pages, Tips, Savings, and MORE!


How To Color Christmas Lights! Christmas Coloring Page With PanPastel, Pencils & Pens!

Time to mix some media and make these lights glow! Join me while I color this grayscale Christmas coloring page of my Christmas Squirrel! For an extra challenge in this adult coloring video, I turned on these lights and make them look like they are glowing. I hope you enjoy this fun colouring experience! Also, you can download this page and color along with me! I’d love to see how YOU color in this festive Christmas coloring page.

You can download this Christmas coloring page HERE

Some of My Favorite Drawing Tools:

Tombow Mono Zero Eraser 2.3mm

Pentel GraphGear 500 Automatic Drafting Pencil Black

Heartybay Professional Fine Tip Paint Brush Set

Arteza 5.5×8.5 Inch Watercolor Pad

A little more about this beautiful digital coloring book page:

★ Hand-drawn grayscale art (by a classically trained artist) to give your final image a more realistic look and a beautiful masterpiece you will be proud to display.

★ Exceptional detail to keep you engaged and inspired while you color

★ Printable for easy access to coloring and the ability to try new colors, techniques and improve your coloring skills. (Plus, no high shipping fee or endless waiting for your new stunning coloring sheet.)

★ Above all, gorgeous work of art that is accessible for coloring beginners or pros to enjoy

★ An alternative to meditation, as a means of relaxation and as a calming tool Download, Print, then color in! (In fact, I LOVE when customers show me images of their final coloring page masterpieces, hint hint hint.)

▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲ About My Digital Download Coloring Book Page ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼

♥ You are purchasing an Instant DIGITAL PRINT DOWNLOAD.


♥ The design arrives as a high resolution PDF file sized 8×10 inch and a JPG file sized 5×6.25 inch, both at 300dpi

♥ © Artistry by Lisa Marie. Copyright not transferable with sale.

♥ This digital coloring page is in black and white lines, no color print included.

♥ Please use for fun only, no commercial use.

♥ No Refunds given Again, the coloring page you order is a digital art print. You can download and color today!

© Artistry by Lisa Marie. Copyright not transferable with sale.

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links and I may earn a commission if you click them and make a purchase (at no cost to you). This post is otherwise NOT sponsored or endorsed by any of the brands mentioned or reviewed.

About Artistry By Lisa Marie:

About The Artist Artistry By Lisa Marie

Artistry By Lisa Marie is a small art studio located in Rochester, NY.  It currently consists of Lisa Marie, a hoard of colored pencils and her two small boys (her husband John is a computer geek with no artistic skill and has bowed out of the art business).  Lisa Marie has been professionally creating art for over a decade and has created an extensive library of stunning hand-drawn coloring pages, all available for digital download.  While she has a Master’s in Art History and can talk your ear off about the Old Masters, her background is custom pet portraits and beautiful coloring pages.  Her main interests are encouraging creativity and helping colorists release their inner artist and relax.

More Reading Suggestions:

Want to start your collection of gorgeous printable coloring pages? Visit my hand-drawn grayscale coloring books and pages in my Coloring Shop! Instant download to enjoy today!

Not sure how to color in grayscale? Check out this fantastic Beginners Guide To Grayscale Coloring!

Wait, wait, wait! PRINTABLE coloring? What the heck is that? How do you even start? Relax! Leisurely click to my list of The 3 Things You Need to Start Your Printable Coloring Page Adventure!

Lisa Marie Newsletter Image

Sign Up For My Monthly Newsletter For FREE Coloring Pages, Tips, Savings, and MORE!


NEW Christmas Coloring Pages! Hand-Drawn Holiday Art You’ll Enjoy Today!

Just in time for the Christmas season! Here is a NEW bundle of hand-drawn Christmas coloring pages from my studio! All featuring lovely Christmas animals you can download and color today! You can print these grayscale coloring images at home or color in your favorite coloring app. *All links below*

You can download the final Christmas coloring page bundle HERE

Some of My Favorite Drawing Tools:

Tombow Mono Zero Eraser 2.3mm

Pentel GraphGear 500 Automatic Drafting Pencil Black

Heartybay Professional Fine Tip Paint Brush Set

Arteza 5.5×8.5 Inch Watercolor Pad

A little more about this beautiful digital coloring book page:

★ Hand-drawn grayscale art (by a classically trained artist) to give your final image a more realistic look and a beautiful masterpiece you will be proud to display.

★ Exceptional detail to keep you engaged and inspired while you color

★ Printable for easy access to coloring and the ability to try new colors, techniques and improve your coloring skills. (Plus, no high shipping fee or endless waiting for your new stunning coloring sheet.)

★ Above all, gorgeous work of art that is accessible for coloring beginners or pros to enjoy

★ An alternative to meditation, as a means of relaxation and as a calming tool Download, Print, then color in! (In fact, I LOVE when customers show me images of their final coloring page masterpieces, hint hint hint.)

▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲ About My Digital Download Coloring Book Page ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼

♥ You are purchasing an Instant DIGITAL PRINT DOWNLOAD.


♥ The design arrives as a high resolution PDF file sized 8×10 inch and a JPG file sized 5×6.25 inch, both at 300dpi

♥ © Artistry by Lisa Marie. Copyright not transferable with sale.

♥ This digital coloring page is in black and white lines, no color print included.

♥ Please use for fun only, no commercial use.

♥ No Refunds given Again, the coloring page you order is a digital art print. You can download and color today!

© Artistry by Lisa Marie. Copyright not transferable with sale.

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links and I may earn a commission if you click them and make a purchase (at no cost to you). This post is otherwise NOT sponsored or endorsed by any of the brands mentioned or reviewed.

About Artistry By Lisa Marie:

About The Artist Artistry By Lisa Marie

Artistry By Lisa Marie is a small art studio located in Rochester, NY.  It currently consists of Lisa Marie, a hoard of colored pencils and her two small boys (her husband John is a computer geek with no artistic skill and has bowed out of the art business).  Lisa Marie has been professionally creating art for over a decade and has created an extensive library of stunning hand-drawn coloring pages, all available for digital download.  While she has a Master’s in Art History and can talk your ear off about the Old Masters, her background is custom pet portraits and beautiful coloring pages.  Her main interests are encouraging creativity and helping colorists release their inner artist and relax.

More Reading Suggestions:

Want to start your collection of gorgeous printable coloring pages? Visit my hand-drawn grayscale coloring books and pages in my Coloring Shop! Instant download to enjoy today!

Not sure how to color in grayscale? Check out this fantastic Beginners Guide To Grayscale Coloring!

Wait, wait, wait! PRINTABLE coloring? What the heck is that? How do you even start? Relax! Leisurely click to my list of The 3 Things You Need to Start Your Printable Coloring Page Adventure!

Lisa Marie Newsletter Image

Sign Up For My Monthly Newsletter For FREE Coloring Pages, Tips, Savings, and MORE!


Slow Coloring Book Delivery? Enjoy These Solutions!

Why am I waiting so long for my adult coloring book delivery? At first I thought I was being too impatient. Asking, why are deliveries taking so long?? But it turns out I’m not impatient (OK, well, actually I am. But that’s a whole other matter…) According to suppliers and the Unites States Post Office, we all need to settle down and wait a bit longer for our deliveries for the rest of 2021.

Hold onto your colored pencils, this could hurt a little…

The Book Shortage

Even book publishers are warning people to expect delays. Books! That includes coloring books! If you’re inquisitive, you may ask “What’s causing the book scarcity?” The answer is us. Apparently we’re all placing a TON of book orders and supply chains are struggling to keep up. Since most books are printed in China, that’s a long journey just to get to the other side of the world. We’re talking port congestion, trucker shortages, warehouse storage issues – the list goes on! And when suppliers run out (hello, my beautiful neighborhood bookstore, I love you!) they will have trouble restocking shelves before Christmas. Which is a super important date for retailers and gift-givers.

Speaking of retailers, they’re urging us all to shop early for the holidays. But let’s be honest – we all procrastinate a little. This is a hectic time of year.

The Slow Mail

Then there’s the mail itself. The postal office’s standard three-day delivery for first-class mail — letters, bills, tax documents and the like — will drop within the U.S. to five days. In other words, Americans should expect their letters and other mail to take up to five days to reach their destinations, and vice versa.

And then there is the cost. The changes in the postal system include a temporary price increase on commercial and retail domestic packages, which will cost 6-9% more through Dec. 26.

Whew. Yeah. Those are a few serious bummers to my holiday coloring plans.

The Solution

OK, so what about all us coloring enthusiasts? What are we going to do. Well one super easy work-around is to go digital. YUP! Instead of expecting an entire book of paper to be printed, shipped, stocked and delivered – this year the solution is to pick and choose your favorite coloring images online. Buy them one at a time to curate a collection you love. No paper will be wasted printing any images you ultimately don’t want to color anyway.

Speaking of paper. You can print digital coloring pages as home. I wrote an entire post about my favorite papers for printing coloring images HERE. From inexpensive cardstock to lovely watercolor paper, there’s a great variety of options. And instead of waiting for a book to be printed, bound, packed, shipped, delivered – you can cut out a lot of that time by using your own resources.

OR if you don’t have a printer you can print at other locations. For example, most local libraries offer free printing services! I wrote about alternative printing options HERE.

Shameless Plug in 3, 2, 1 – Oh hey look! I have an online Coloring Shop full of hand-drawn coloring pages you can print and color today. OK, moving on…

Printable Coloring Pages Flatlay

Seriously though. Once you start selecting your own images to color it can become your preferred way to shop! Why waste time, money or paper on colorable art that doesn’t appeal to you? When you buy digital coloring pages you have CHOICES. You can be selective.

But What About Gifts?

So here’s the deal. Us colorists love to color. But we also enjoy sharing our passion with others by gifting coloring books. That is…the ones we haven’t colored in. And to do that we often rely on those book publishers, retailers and delivery people to be at the ready. But this year what if we did something a little different when gifting a coloring experience:

  1. Make your own coloring book: So remember a few lines up when I suggested you curate a collection of coloring pages you love. Now create a coloring page collection for someone else! Now go old-school creative and MAKE a book! Staples the papers together. Punch holes on one side and tie the papers together with string. Create a three-ring binder collection book for them. Not only will this be a collection of colorable art they’ll enjoy (because you chose it specifically to their taste), but it’s a gift they’ll cherish because you made it. If you want to up your crafting game, here’s a fantastic Book Binding Kit (just keep an eye on those delivery dates!)
  2. Have a coloring party: Physical gifts are cool and all, but what about the gift of time? Spend time with your loved ones by hosting a coloring party! You won’t have to make a book. Just gather coloring pages you and your friends will like and invite everyone over for coloring and hot cocoa. You’ll end the evening having made beautiful art and precious memories. Personally, I’m a huge fan of having this Land O’ Lakes Cocoa Classics Variety Pack at Christmas parties. Again, just keep a watch on the ETA.
  3. Email digital coloring pages to someone: What if your fellow colorists-comrade lives too far away to visit for a coloring party? Have no fear, the internet it here! Simply buy a digital coloring page and email it to them! If you are REALLY up on your high-tech game, you can schedule a digital coloring party! (Hint, look for coloring page PDF’s you can buy and email. They’re very email friendly.)
computer chat and color

4. Recycle Used Coloring Pages: You know you have a pile (or two) of colored pages hanging around collecting dust. Re-use them by turning them into gifts! OK, this can be difficult for some people. I know we’re prone to hold onto our art. But maybe we can let go of a FEW pages and get in the holiday spirit. Turn some of your lovely art into bookmarks. Or frame them and gift them to someone who is suffering with bare walls. Have some plain kraft paper? Wrap presents in Kraft paper and use your colored pages as extra decals. Need more ideas? Here’s a List Of 10 Fun Things To Do With Colored Pages.

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links and I may earn a commission if you click them and make a purchase (at no cost to you). This post is otherwise NOT sponsored or endorsed by any of the brands mentioned or reviewed.

About Artistry By Lisa Marie:

About The Artist Artistry By Lisa Marie

Artistry By Lisa Marie is a small art studio located in Rochester, NY.  It currently consists of Lisa Marie, a hoard of colored pencils and her two small boys (her husband John is a computer geek with no artistic skill and has bowed out of the art business).  Lisa Marie has been professionally creating art for over a decade and has created an extensive library of stunning hand-drawn coloring pages, all available for digital download.  While she has a Master’s in Art History and can talk your ear off about the Old Masters, her background is custom pet portraits and beautiful coloring pages.  Her main interests are encouraging creativity and helping colorists release their inner artist and relax.

More Reading Suggestions:

Want to start your collection of gorgeous printable coloring pages? Visit my hand-drawn grayscale coloring books and pages in my Coloring Shop! Instant download to enjoy today!

Not sure how to color in grayscale? Check out this fantastic Beginners Guide To Grayscale Coloring!

Wait, wait, wait! PRINTABLE coloring? What the heck is that? How do you even start? Relax! Leisurely click to my list of The 3 Things You Need to Start Your Printable Coloring Page Adventure!

Lisa Marie Newsletter Image

Sign Up For My Monthly Newsletter For FREE Coloring Pages, Tips, Savings, and MORE!


My 4 Favorite Adult Coloring Supplies! A Shopping Spree at Blick Art

Oh, hello Christmas shopping season! Why, yes, I would like to look around for some marvelous coloring supplies, particularly the top four items that I personally always use in my studio. And DOUBLE YES, I am going to peruse one of my favorite places to shop: Blick Art! Of course I also have my eye on the calendar. Due to delayed shipping this years (ahem, cargo ships) there’s a bit of pressure to place orders early to make sure everything arrives before the holidays.

Not sure how to use the items listed below? Now worries! I have some fantastic, fun and FREE coloring tutorials on my YouTube channel! Go take a look to start coloring like a pro!

First I’ll dwell lovingly on my 4 favorite art supplies this year. THEN I’ll show you where to find some new spectacular deals. And yes, I’ve heard there are some concerns about delayed shipping. So fair warning, if you want to have a coloring party this holiday season, please make sure you order your supplies ASAP!

  • Prismacolor Pencils: OK so first and foremost, if anyone has watched any of my coloring videos then you know I’m a big fan of Prismacolor colored pencils. No, they are not the fanciest pencils out there. But they are affordable, easy access, have a wide variety of colors PLUS they have great customer service. And I like that they don’t break my bank account while keeping my art studio stocked.

(Remember to meander over to my Coloring Tutorials to see how I use colored pencils in the studio!)   

prismacolor pencils
  • Mono Zero Eraser: Next I’m going to erase everything I just did. Alright that’s an exaggeration. I’m actually going to erase with precision! I love to take away minute details and create elegant erase lines with my Mono Zero Eraser. I’m a control freak when I’m making detailed erase lines and this eraser gives me all the confidence to create my art. PLUS, it’s refillable. So this is a great time to stock up on more refills for the upcoming year!
Mono zero eraser
  • Pan Pastels: Alright, I’m going to need some more color. And one of the best mediums to compliment colored pencils and erasers is the Pan Pastel collection! They provide smooth color coverage over paper, blend together nicely, have rich hues, you can erase it AND apply colored pencil over it. BAM! These three mediums together make a great trifecta of awesome artsy power!

(Want to see how I mix Pan Pastels and colored pencils? Go check out this Coloring Tutorial)

  • Gelly Roll Pens: Now it’s time for one more medium that can go over Pan Pastel and go toe-to-toe with colored pencils is the Gelly Roll pen set. Again, this is NOT a high-end luxury item that’s going to break the bank. But that’s the point. They do a great job providing colorful ink without ruining your budget. And the rich colors in Gelly Roll pens can help bring another dimension of fun to your creativity.

(Need a little inspiration for mixing Gelly Rolls with Pan Pastel and colored pencils? There’s a Coloring Video for that!)

Gelly Roll Pens

**Side Note For Paper: This is the point where anyone who loves to print their own coloring pages starts to wave their hands in the air and shout “Wait! What about paper?!” I mean, I’m just guessing they’d shout. Maybe it would be just an irritated murmur that paper wasn’t included in this list. Anyway – No Problem! I reviewed several top quality paper choices, perfect for printing coloring pages at home! Check it out here:

Coloring Page paper choices

So there is my list of top four favorite coloring supplies. But because I was care to NOT blow my shopping budget, I have a few extra pennies in my pocket! They’re kind of burning a hole there. So I better spend them on some sales!

YUP! It’ the shopping bonus round! Don’t get me wrong, first and foremost I will buy my 4 favorites and stock up my studio for the upcoming year. But Blick has some Hot Deals every week. And since I am careful to balance quality and cost, that means I can splurge a few extra treats.

Their sales change every week, and since I can’t be sure what week you will be reading this magnificent post I suggest you head straight to their Hot Deals page to shop for yourself.


Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links and I may earn a commission if you click them and make a purchase (at no cost to you). This post is otherwise NOT sponsored or endorsed by any of the brands mentioned or reviewed.

About Artistry By Lisa Marie:

About The Artist Artistry By Lisa Marie

Artistry By Lisa Marie is a small art studio located in Rochester, NY.  It currently consists of Lisa Marie, a hoard of colored pencils and her two small boys (her husband John is a computer geek with no artistic skill and has bowed out of the art business).  Lisa Marie has been professionally creating art for over a decade and has created an extensive library of stunning hand-drawn coloring pages, all available for digital download.  While she has a Master’s in Art History and can talk your ear off about the Old Masters, her background is custom pet portraits and beautiful coloring pages.  Her main interests are encouraging creativity and helping colorists release their inner artist and relax.

More Reading Suggestions:

Want to start your collection of gorgeous printable coloring pages? Visit my hand-drawn grayscale coloring books and pages in my Coloring Shop! Instant download to enjoy today!

Not sure how to color in grayscale? Check out this fantastic Beginners Guide To Grayscale Coloring!

Wait, wait, wait! PRINTABLE coloring? What the heck is that? How do you even start? Relax! Leisurely click to my list of The 3 Things You Need to Start Your Printable Coloring Page Adventure!

Lisa Marie Newsletter Image

Sign Up For My Monthly Newsletter For FREE Coloring Pages, Tips, Savings, and MORE!


Fun and Relaxing Adult Coloring Video: Christmas Mouse!

No tutorial voiceover today (I have a bit of a head cold). Instead, relax and enjoy this soothing adult coloring timelapse with music! Today I played with some mixed media with PanPastel, Prismacolor Pencils, Gel Pens, Paint Markers and Erasers! Whew! But don’t worry, I wrote down all the supplies below. This is one of my hand-drawn adult coloring pages. Download and color along with me! You can print this image at home or color in your favorite coloring app. *All links below*

You can download the final coloring page HERE

Watch me draw this coloring page here:

Coloring Supplies:

Color Guide:


  • PanPastel Phthalo Blue Shade 560.3
  • PanPastel Black 800.5


  • Gelly Roll Gold #551
  • Gelly Roll Silver #553


  • Prismacolor Crimson Red PC924
  • Prismacolor Poppy Red PC922
  • Prismacolor Pink PC929
  • Prismacolor Violet PC932
  • Prismacolor White PC938


  • Prismacolor Pink PC929
  • Prismacolor White PC938
  • Prismacolor Tuscan Red PC937
  • Prismacolor Brown PC945
  • Prismacolor Orange PC918
  • Prismacolor Yellow Ochre PC942
  • Prismacolor Cream PC914
  • Prismacolor Violet PC932
  • Paint Marker White

© Artistry by Lisa Marie. Copyright not transferable with sale.

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links and I may earn a commission if you click them and make a purchase (at no cost to you). This post is otherwise NOT sponsored or endorsed by any of the brands mentioned or reviewed.

About Artistry By Lisa Marie:

About The Artist Artistry By Lisa Marie

Artistry By Lisa Marie is a small art studio located in Rochester, NY.  It currently consists of Lisa Marie, a hoard of colored pencils and her two small boys (her husband John is a computer geek with no artistic skill and has bowed out of the art business).  Lisa Marie has been professionally creating art for over a decade and has created an extensive library of stunning hand-drawn coloring pages, all available for digital download.  While she has a Master’s in Art History and can talk your ear off about the Old Masters, her background is custom pet portraits and beautiful coloring pages.  Her main interests are encouraging creativity and helping colorists release their inner artist and relax.

More Reading Suggestions:

Want to start your collection of gorgeous printable coloring pages? Visit my hand-drawn grayscale coloring books and pages in my Coloring Shop! Instant download to enjoy today!

Not sure how to color in grayscale? Check out this fantastic Beginners Guide To Grayscale Coloring!

Wait, wait, wait! PRINTABLE coloring? What the heck is that? How do you even start? Relax! Leisurely click to my list of The 3 Things You Need to Start Your Printable Coloring Page Adventure!

Lisa Marie Newsletter Image

Sign Up For My Monthly Newsletter For FREE Coloring Pages, Tips, Savings, and MORE!