
4 Essential Drawing Supplies For SERIOUS Beginners

Let’s get to basics and start drawing!

Have you ever wondered “What are the basic tools I need to sketch a picture? Like, The ABSOLUTE bare minimum, basic tools?” Well today I am going to quickly show you FOUR basic tools I use in my studio to create sketches for custom portrait orders. And stick around to the end for a BONUS tool everyone forgets to ask about.

My Background…And if you’re new here I’m Lisa Marie, welcome to my studio! I’ve been a professional artist for over a decade. I earned a Master’s in art history in Florence, Italy while studying the renaissance masters. And today I stay pretty busy drawing custom pet portraits and coloring books.

Alright, now that introductions are out of the way let’s jump right into the four essential drawing supplies for serious beginners. (All of these will be listed nicely for you at the bottom of this post as well!)

1. Drawing Paper

Alright, First up is Paper! Yes! If you are going to do a pencil sketch it is fairly common for you to need paper to draw on. But not just ANY paper! I recommend paper with a bit of tooth (or texture) to grab the graphite of the pencil. Also, you want thicker (or heavier) paper that can take lots of layers of graphite and color – otherwise it will tear.  So what paper is the best? Well…it depends on what your end goal is!

Bachmore sketch Book image

If you are doing ONLY a sketch in pencil and no other medium is being added to it, then a nice sketch book will do!

I like the Bachmore Sketchbook. It is spiralbound so the pages flip nicely to give you a flat surface to work on AND the binding is at the TOP of the pad. So you can work on it easily if you are right or left handed. (If you’ve see ANY of my drawing videos on YouTube, you know I’m lefty!) The paper is acid-free so it wont yellow over time. Also, the paper weight is 68 pounds – which means it is heavier paper and it’s 9x12 inches so there’s lots of surface are to work with.

Canson Watercolor Paper imge

Alright, but what if you want paper that can REALLY go the distance and go from sketch to final drawing all in one piece of paper? Then I suggest you check out Canson Watercolor Textured paper. It is NOT just for watercolor! This paper can take pencil, ink, charcoal, pastels and acrylic paint! And at 140 pounds, this is some fantastic thick paper that can take a lot of art mediums. SO MANY LAYERS OF COLOR PENCIL can go on this paper! And yes it is acid free and 9x12 inches – so it won’t yellow and gives you lots of surface area.

2. Drawing Pencil

Next is the Pencil. Yup! If you want to sketch a picture I strongly recommend you get a pencil. And like I said in the beginning, I am keeping this super basic. You DON’T need an entire set of pencils to make a sketch! You need a grand total of…ONE. Yes indeed, just one pencil will do. What you really want is a pencil that’s nice to hold, easy to use and can easily refill on quality graphite – because we’re not wasting time sharpening pencils. We’re going mechanical!

Pentel drafting pencil

First I suggest the Pentel GraphGear drafting pencil. It’s metallic mesh grip is easy to hold for hours – and yes, I have sketched for hours with this pencil. The .5 millimeter graphite gives you a nice fine point. And it’s weighted at your fingertips to help with precision drawing. The lead is HB – which is the standard medium grade lead – not the darkest and not the lightest. HB grade lead is the same level of darkness as a number 2 pencil. ALSO, if you ever draw an “oops,” there’s a nice little eraser hidden under the silver cap at the top of the pencil.

Pentel Drafting Pencil 1000

What’s that? You want to go NEXT LEVEL with your single pencil selection?

Alright, I hear you. You want basic drawing supplies that aren’t TOO basic. Then I suggest the Pentel GraphGear 1000 mechanical pencil. Same brand as the other pencil and also HB lead that makes a nice, clear line. BUT it has a very fancy dual-action retractable tip that protects the lead from breakage. AND it’s extremely comfortable grip has soft padding for the fingers. It’s kind of the Cadillac of basic pencils.

NOW, little disclaimer, I’m not saying these are the only pencils. If you want to go into entire sets of pencils and collecting pencils, that’s a whole other conversation. Today the focus is on bare minimum basics. (Read my review of the NicPro Pencil Set HERE.)

3. Eraser

Tombow erasewr image

OK, you have paper and pencil, next you need an Eraser! Because we all make mistakes. But not just that. A lot of drawing style include a subtractive element where you NEED to take away graphite to get the right effect or texture. So you want more than just the basic eraser that comes in the mechanical pencils. And I like the Tombow Mono Zero Eraser. It comes in a few sizes, but I always have the 2.3 millimeter for precision erasing. The eraser is soft enough that it won’t damage the paper and the erasers are refillable.

kneaded eraser

If you want to cover more surface area for erasing, then get yourself a go old fashion standard Kneaded Rubber Eraser.

If you want to cover more surface area for erasing, then get yourself a go old fashion standard Kneaded Rubber Eraser. They are made of absorbent material to help lift up pencil lead. And they’re easy to clean by simply kneading the eraser between your fingers. AND since they are so malleable, you can squish them into any shape you want for your erasing or highlighting needs. Plus, they don’t leave erasing residue on the paper.

OK, let’s do a recap! You have paper, pencils and an eraser. What else do you need for your basic, bare minimum sketch? Just one more thing. PLUS a super bonus tool!

***And remember, there’s a straightforward bulleted list of all these drawing supplies below!***

4. Paint Brushes

paint brushes

Next up you need Paint Brushes! I’ll bet you didn’t see that coming.

But hear me out. If you want to blend your graphite and smooth out shading, paint brushes are perfect. They’re soft enough to blend without losing the under drawing. PLUS they come in a variety of sizes and shapes, so you can use a brush that conforms to the size and style of your pencil sketch. You may want to get the Bosobo Paint Brush Set. They come as a set of 10, are fairly high quality with durable synthetic nylon bristles and sturdy wooden handles. Easy to clean with warm soapy water and let them air dry. And come in a nice variety of shapes and sizes. And of course, you can also use them with paint! Just in case you decide to turn your sketch into a painting masterpiece.

So what do you think? Do you use paint brushes when you sketch? Or would you try them? Leave a comment below and let me know!

And FINALLY, the bonus tool for your basic sketching needs….drum roll please….

5. BONUS! Maulstick

Maulstick image

The Maulstick! Such a random tool but if you do any drawing for extended time you should have it!

These doodads were initially recorded in the 16th century. It’s a German word – roughly translates to “painter-stick”. Which makes sense because it is a stick with a padded ball at one end that painters used. The padded end goes next to the drawing (or painting) on the table or whatever surface your drawing on, the raised stick is where you rest your arm or wrist. THIS IS ALL ABOUT COMFORT AND EASE! The maulstick will help your arm and shoulder relax while you draw. That means less muscle strain and less neck pain. ALSO, it helps prevent your hand from brushing on your drawing – which would cause the dreaded smudging that all artists despise. There’s a nice one with an aluminum rod and artificial leather ball that works well – naturally I’ll put that link for you in the video description.

Alright, so those are your BASIC drawing supplies. And I know some of you are saying that you want to go next level, especially with your pencils and other drawing supplies. Welp there’s a playlist for that! Go check out my playlist on YouTube all about different art supplies from drawing to coloring and more. There’s even a super fun review of the NicPro pencil set you might like.

And if you don’t want to miss the next blog post – OR if you want to have my studio videos and FREE art delivered straight to your inbox, then subscribe to my monthly newsletter!

And as always, STAY CREATIVE!

List of 4 Essential Drawing Supplies For SERIOUS Beginners


Ohuhu Markers:

Prismacolor Pencils:

Pan Pastels:

Ohuhu 10″x7.6″ Mixed Media Art Sketchbook:

Wood Mahl Stick:

Neenah Vellum Bristol Cardstock Paper:

Flymax Paint Marker .7mm White:

Tombow Mono Zero Eraser 2.3mm:

Ranger Tim Holtz Distress Ink:

Some of the links above are affiliated links, at no extra cost to you.

© Artistry by Lisa Marie. Copyright

Some of the links above are affiliated links, at no extra cost to you.