
Top 5 Craft Ideas You Will Love For June Inspiration!

Summer is here and I am obsessed with trying NEW things. Crafty, glittery, creative new things. Do not get me wrong, drawing and coloring are my forever passion. But sometimes I like to flirt with other craft ideas for adults and kids. Oh this crafting flirtation is nothing too serious! Again, coloring and drawing are my true love. But there is nothing wrong with an easy summer craft fling.

So I hit the online craft scene, checked out some superb crafty crafters and crafted up a list of new summer fun. And while there are many marvelous DIY crafts out there, five winners caught my eye.

If you are like me, love your coloring and art but need some extra creative catharsis keep reading for this marvelous list!

5 New Craft Ideas:

  1. Tea Party With DIY Teacups
vinyl craft on teacup

O. M. G. Let’s start with the fact that we are about to have a TEA PARTY! I am already feeling sophisticated just writing about this project from A Kailo Chic Life. She uses some permanent adhesive vinyl. Next she cuts out vinyl flower and confetti shapes and puts them on the teacups like stickers. Tea-Tastic! She even provides cut files for the confetti pieces and flower pieces. Swoon! The end result of this pretty craft is SO Pinterest worthy.

This is where you might stop and think: “But I don’t have teacups!” Ok, couple things. First, go get some teacups! What are you a heathen?!? Here’s a marvelous set of Six White Porcelain Cups for your new chic adulthood. While you wait for their delivery, put the marvelous vinyl details on the outer rim of a plate of cookies! BAM!

2. DIY Concrete Stepping Stones

stepping stones

I’m done being stuck inside. And I am ready to step outside! But let’s be real, what am I supposed to step on, DIRT?!? Nope! Not when I can grace my feet with their own stepping stones. This fabulous summer craft idea is from C.R.A.F.T. She provides the easiest step-by-step instructions. And really there are days when I need easy directions for my handmade arts and crafts.

Speaking of easy, the ingredients are fantastically convenient too! The only thing you probably DON’T have in your home or garage already is Quick Dry Concrete (you can order some HERE. Toss in some decorations (shells, rocks, leaf prints, etc.) and BOOM! Your feet are tapping on some gorgeous stepping stones. (By the way, the pics she uses to show how to create these stones are super adorable with her children. Shows this is also a great craft idea for kids. Love!)

3. DIY Don’t Lose Your SH!T Keychain & Sunglass Chain

sunglasses and key chain

Alright. MAYBE the name of the site got my attention first: Honestly WTF. But then I started looking through the DIY craft ideas and they are all fabulous. But the one that really caught my attention was these DIY keychains. I have enough trouble keeping track of my stuff at home. In the summer when I’m out and about It. Is. Hopeless.

To make [my] life easier she provides DIY Jewelry Kits! Do you realize how fantastic this is?! You can skip shopping around for all the supplies, it’s all done for you. AND she provides the super simplest directions complete with photos. The beads they provide are colorful and cheerful, which is perfect for visibility and NOT losing things. Creativity never looked so useful! This craft idea is not only easy, bright, and fun – it’s going to save my car keys!

4. Nature Mandalas

nature mandala

Remember way back at the top of this post when I said I love coloring and art? Anyway, mandalas are a super popular design on coloring pages. But I’m looking for fun summer DIY craft ideas that get me out of the house and enjoying the sunshine. And what would be better than nature mandalas featured in Mary Makes Good. Visual Arts + Nature = Awesome!

Really, why color a mandala on paper with pencils when you can MAKE a mandala with the gorgeous colors found in nature?! Sure these temporary art installations don’t last as long as a coloring page. But that’s not the point! They are fun. And what’s more, they will get you exploring and interacting with wildlife. You can even turn this into a photo craft idea by taking pictures of your mandalas. Look at that! Now you’re also a photographer. Need some mandala inspiration? Check out the stunning pictures from Mary Makes Good.

5. Travel Accessory Organizer

accessory organizer

I am leaving! Not sure where I am going yet. Have not thought that far ahead. But gosh darn it I am going somewhere and I’ll be damned if I’m losing my jewelry!  Thank goodness P.S. – I Made This… is saving my accessories from traveling oblivion! Her genius organizer is extremely easy and fun craft to create. In fact, I’m thinking of making several to give this craft idea as gifts to my accessorizing friends.

True, the materials aren’t always in your home. Faux leather is not often on my shopping list. But they are exceptionally painless to find. And her directions are easy to follow and include pictures! I mean really. Her photos make is SO simple to follow along. Swing over to her post HERE and get your accessories in order! And if you are worried about supplies, I did a little perusing for you and found your Faux Leather , Awl , and Fabric Cutting Wheel.

And there you have it! 5 fabulous summer arts and crafts ideas for you to try!

Which one do you love best? Tell me! Show me! I want to see how these fantastic crafty ideas have inspired you. Are you feeling impatient to be creative but need to order some supplies first? No worries I have you covered. While you wait for your new craft stuff to arrive you can color right now with THESE COLORING PAGES. Download and color today!

Remember to leave a comment below!  Let me know the 1 item on this list you’re going to take action on first.

Not sure how to color in grayscale? Check out this fantastic Beginners Guide To Grayscale Coloring!

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