
4 Easy Hacks to Grayscale Coloring

What is grayscale coloring? And how can you start coloring this lovely art today?
Both are excellent questions I’m going to explore now in the studio! First I’ll quickly review what grayscale coloring is – with examples of course.
Then we’re going to jump on into 4 easy hacks you can use to start coloring grayscale right now! So grab your colored pencils and let’s get started!
**Also, stick around to the end for some FANTASTIC tools you can use to become a grayscale coloring master!
[Don’t want to read all these words? Watch the VIDEO showing you the 4 hacks to grayscale coloring HERE]

What is grayscale coloring?

Simply put – grayscale coloring is an art that’s made of shades of gray, ranging from black to white with all the levels of gray in between. Even more simply, you can say grayscale includes dark, medium, and light shading in the art. Some people think they look similar to black and white photographs.

Grayscale not only includes different levels of grey. They can include different outline work. Some have no dark outlines. While others have beautiful thick silhouette lines. Both are fantastic for achieving a different style or look when you’re coloring.
Also, some grayscale can go VERY dark in the darkest shadows. That can intimidate some beginners. But don’t worry – I’ll show you how to play with that darkness while coloring to make lovely art.
grayscale adult coloring pages
There is one major benefit to grayscale – how it helps you create a realistic-looking work of art! That grayscale shading is just waiting for you to add color to bring an image to life. And you don’t have to worry about being a master artist or studying shading techniques – that part has been done for you. You just need to add color! (Not to mention, coloring in general is fantastic for stress relief and fun!)
You can use MANY different mediums on grayscale coloring pages. Markers, paints, inks…lots of choices. But today I will be focusing on colored pencils since they are one of the most popular coloring mediums.

grayscale coloring pages

And that leads us nicely to the next part of this introduction to grayscale coloring – 4 Easy Hacks To Coloring Grayscale.

*But before I get to that and get all distracted – I want to hear from you! Leave a comment and let me know what you think of grayscale coloring pages! And hit that like button for this video!

Alright, the first hack to grayscale coloring is…

  1. 1, 2, 3! 

Before you start coloring your grayscale page, you need to choose some colors. And picking colors for grayscale is as easy as 1, 2, 3. Choose 1 dark, 1 medium, and 1 light version of a particular color you want to use. For example, if you want brown on your coloring page, then choose 1 dark, 1 medium, and 1 light brown. You can always expand your color palette from there. But this is a great starting point.
You put the darkest color over the darkest gray. The medium color over the medium gray. And the lightest color over the lightest areas which often are white without any gray.

To expand on that beginning palette – add white for super-white highlights. You can also add one more color to make this palette more diverse and fun.

Sticking with that brown theme. We have dark, medium, and light brown. Now add a white pencil. THEN add a dark red pencil. A red hue that blends nicely with the browns you chose and will have some lovely variation to the palette.

OR add a complementary color to the darkest color. Complimentary colors are opposite on the color wheel. The opposite of brown is blue. Add a touch of blue to the darkest shadows for an extremely rich color combination!

printable grayscale coloring pages

There are SO MANY color options you can build off those first three colors!

2. Be gentle at first!

The first bit of color you put on grayscale coloring pages should be applied gently. Don’t press down hard with your colored pencil. This is just the first layer of color. It will help you map out where your colors will go. You can always go back and put more layers of color on this. In fact, layering your colors slowly will help achieve lovely, rich tones that will really help your coloring art stand out!

*Not really sure how to layer colored pencils? I have a video ALL ABOUT that shows you this technique step by step. You can check it out HERE!

But here’s a quick recap: First, gently color in the shadow. Then add mid-tone and lighter colors. Next, add another layer of shadow color. Then add another layer of mid-tone and lighter colors. Keep layering colors until it’s all colored in. Finally, add white for bright highlights and push your shadows darker.

I strongly recommend you go check out the full video on layering pencils for a much more detailed tutorial.

3. Embrace the darkness!

Yeah, you want to put color right over those super-dark shadows. In fact, you need to! When you add color over the dark shadows you give them additional depth and richness. Without color, those super dark greys will be SUPER bland and flat looking. Also, a dark shadow full of color provides a magnificent contrast to the lighter areas where there is more white. This difference between the brighter and darker areas will help make your coloring page more striking.

Just don’t go too dark too fast. Remember step 2 and be gentle at first. You can always layer your colors to slowly build up a lovely deep shadow.

4. Practice!

This might seem obvious, but you wouldn’t believe how many colorists have told me they tried a grayscale page once, couldn’t do it, and gave up. When you were a toddler could you hold a crayon perfectly the first time? No! But you didn’t give up. You kept practicing. And it’s the same for grayscale coloring. Also, remember this is coloring. It’s not about being flawless. Coloring pages are for you to relax, have fun, get creative, and slowly develop your artistic skills at your own pace.

*OK, so I promised you some tools to help with your grayscale coloring journey, first up:

The Beginner’s Grayscale Coloring Guide! This printable PDF includes grayscale coloring lessons with links to free video tutorials, 5 helpful practice pages, AND 10 lovely full-size grayscale coloring pages. The link to download this guide is in the video description. guide to grayscale coloring
Next, the YouTube playlist: How To Color Like A Pro! This playlist is full of videos all about coloring grayscale coloring pages in a variety of mediums. And new videos are constantly being added to this playlist. And yes, the link will be in the video description for you.

playlist how to color like a pro
And finally, if you really want to go next level in your artistic journey and get even MORE inspiration then sign up for my monthly newsletter! This newsletter includes FREE grayscale art just for you! Also, it will feature the latest grayscale coloring tutorials AND give you early access to sales in my coloring shop – featuring all hand-drawn grayscale coloring pages and books!

OK, this was just a quick article covering some tips for coloring grayscale. But there’s so much more! If you’re looking for the next step in your coloring journey then hop over to the playlist How To Color Like A Pro now to become a coloring master!
And as always, stay creative!

About Me:

Hi everyone I’m Lisa Marie from Artistry by Lisa Marie. For those of you who don’t know me, I’ve been a professional artist for over a decade. When I was 15 years old I apprenticed in an artist’s studio for several years then earned a Masters in Art History in Florence, Italy while studying the techniques of the Renaissance masters. Today I create custom portraits and coloring books and pages.


Ohuhu Markers:
Prismacolor Pencils:
Pan Pastels:
Ohuhu 10″x7.6″ Mixed Media Art Sketchbook:
Wood Mahl Stick:
Neenah Vellum Bristol Cardstock Paper:
Flymax Paint Marker .7mm White:
Tombow Mono Zero Eraser 2.3mm:
Ranger Tim Holtz Distress Ink:
Some of the links above are affiliated links, at no extra cost to you.
Lisa Marie Newsletter Image


How To Be Happy Alone? Five Great Ways…Including Coloring!

One question that has come up repeatedly the past few years is “How To Be Happy Alone?” As in, hanging out in a place all by yourself with no one else around. This can have a huge impact on a person’s mental health. All these lockdowns, travel restrictions, and the acute awareness of the risks to health have made all of us SUPER anxious, depressed, and feeling more isolated than ever.

Let’s be clear. We’re not talking about voluntary “me time” when a person chooses to be alone. This is involuntary aloneness. Some people absolutely love their alone time. Others loathe it! Being alone does not necessarily mean you are lonely. But if it is forced, loneliness can be detrimental!

In a Statista survey a huge number of respondents in lots of countries around the world stated that they felt lonely at least some of the time.

Again, some people choose to be alone. And that’s totally great and their choice. Some people choose to be alone right after getting out of a relationship, or if they want to focus on their own mental health, or if they decide to concentrate on their career, or if they identify as asexual or aromantic. But even during deliberate alone time, loneliness can still happen.

Loneliness isn’t just an occasional bummer, it can have some SUPER serious effect on our minds and bodies.

Prof. John Cacioppo, a social neuroscientist at the University of Chicago, explained why loneliness can be such a perilous state of mind. “It’s dangerous, as a member of a social species, to feel isolated, and our brain snaps into self-preservation mode,” he said. “That brings with it some unwanted and unknown effects on our thoughts and our actions toward others.”

But it’s not just in your head! You can feel loneliness throughout your body!

Loneliness makes us more prone to physical illness. A study from 2018 found that isolation was linked to a higher risk of dementia, while a 2020 study connected feelings of loneliness to a higher risk of diabetes. And if that’s not depressing enough – if people can’t kick that sense of loneliness, it may have even MORE dire consequences. Like, early mortality consequences!

Before we dive into some ways to be happy alone – Don’t Hesitate To Ask For Help!

Sometimes, even if we try really hard to counteract loneliness, it can be terribly overwhelming. If that ever happens, it is important to acknowledge it and get support. There are quite a few online options for mental health support, many that come free of cost.

And if you are coping with loneliness remember to be kind and compassionate to yourself.

How To Be Happy Alone

  1. Learn something new. Alone time can feel incredibly draining to some people because they don’t know what to do with this “free” time. One great option is to distract your mind with fresh new knowledge or a hobby. Whether it is reading, painting or dancing or taking a new class – there are many options for learning something new. One great option is This educational site offers FREE classes, certifications and even diplomas. Whatever new knowledge you pursue, it can greatly benefit you! Learning can help improve your brain function, help you gain confidence, and have fun! All this can help you be happy alone.
  2. Avoid Comparison. Ahem…this is where social media can come into play. Comparing yourself to others will only lead to low self esteem and disappointment. Remember everyone is different. Most people are fighting their own battles behind closed doors and dwell on their own personal flaws. Do not measure your happiness by the perceived happiness or success of others! Getting back to the idea of being alone. Imagine there was NO ONE left on earth. Sure you’re lonely, but you’re also the BEST. At everything! There’s no one to compare yourself to. You are unique and free! And guess what. That’s already true! You are one-of-a-kind. There’s no one else exactly like you! So why compare? All it does it eliminate gratitude and eclipse all your fantastic you-ness!
  3. Treat Yourself. Maybe you’re busy, or stressed or burdened with loneliness. Whatever you’re going through, if you’re reading this you deserve to be pampered a bit!  A little pampering can help you relax and feel better. Perhaps you can do a home manicure or a little home spa treatment. Enjoying a little self-indulgence can help lower your blood pressure, reduce stress hormones, ease tense muscles, boost your mental energy and increase your confidence. Whew! That’s quite a marvelous list of consequences from just one mud mask! Though personally, I’m a huge fan of home spa kits complete with candles, exfoliating scrubs and more!
  4. Get Active. Yup! Time to get off the couch. I know, I don’t feel like getting up either when I’m feeling lonely. But when we exercise, the body releases chemicals that boost a sense of well-being and suppress hormones that cause stress and anxiety. What’s that?! Exercise pushes down the bad stuff and boosts the good stuff? Yup! Among the chemicals released are endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine neurotransmitters which are related to pain and depression emotions. You don’t have to go nuts and take up an intense training program. Go for a walk. Stretch. That’s it! Whew! For a moment I was worried I was going to have to break a sweat.
  5. Be Creative. Grab your crayons, colored pencils and paint brushes! It’s time to get artsy and paint away your loneliness! Whether you draw, paint, or color coloring books – it’s time to unlock your inner artist. Being creative improves your problem-solving skills in all areas of your life and work. Instead of coming from a linear, logical approach, your creative side can approach a situation from all angles. Creativity helps you see things differently and better deal with uncertainty. Studies show that creative people are better able to live with the insecurity of loneliness because they can adapt their thinking to allow for the unknown. Remember, art is not just for “creative-types”! Even if you don’t think you are artistically inclined, you can always grab a coloring book! The image is already begun and ready for you to add color. Shameless plug in 3, 2, 1 – Want to color to get out of your lonely slump TODAY? Order a printable coloring page from my Coloring Shop! Lovely hand-drawn art you can easily print and color right now! Download HERE.
Printable coloring books and pages

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links and I may earn a commission if you click them and make a purchase (at no cost to you). This post is otherwise NOT sponsored or endorsed by any of the brands mentioned or reviewed.

About Artistry By Lisa Marie:

About The Artist Artistry By Lisa Marie

Artistry By Lisa Marie is a small art studio located in Rochester, NY.  It currently consists of Lisa Marie, a hoard of colored pencils and her two small boys (her husband John is a computer geek with no artistic skill and has bowed out of the art business).  Lisa Marie has been professionally creating art for over a decade and has created an extensive library of stunning hand-drawn coloring pages, all available for digital download.  While she has a Master’s in Art History and can talk your ear off about the Old Masters, her background is custom pet portraits and beautiful coloring pages.  Her main interests are encouraging creativity and helping colorists release their inner artist and relax.

More Reading Suggestions:

Want to start your collection of gorgeous printable coloring pages? Visit my hand-drawn grayscale coloring books and pages in my Coloring Shop! Instant download to enjoy today!

Not sure how to color in grayscale? Check out this fantastic Beginners Guide To Grayscale Coloring!

Wait, wait, wait! PRINTABLE coloring? What the heck is that? How do you even start? Relax! Leisurely click to my list of The 3 Things You Need to Start Your Printable Coloring Page Adventure!

Lisa Marie Newsletter Image

Sign Up For My Monthly Newsletter For FREE Coloring Pages, Tips, Savings, and MORE!


How To Color Grayscale Coloring Page! Check Out This FUN Cat Coloring Art Video!

Color along with me on this cat coloring page with lovely water! This is one of my hand-drawn coloring pages. Download today! You can print this image at home or color in your favorite coloring app. I started with an underpainting of PanPastel. Then built up colors in with Prismacolor pencils. *All supply links below*

You can see the original Cat Coloring Page and download it HERE

Cat Coloring Page:

This beautiful printable coloring book page is all you need to release your inner artist. Similarly, professionally hand-drawn in grayscale, this original work of art is your source for endless hours of fun, relaxation and lovely realistic art that almost jumps off the page.

Coloring Supplies:

Some of My Favorite Drawing Tools:

More About This Coloring Page:

★ Hand-drawn grayscale art (by a classically trained artist) to give your final image a more realistic look and a beautiful masterpiece you will be proud to display.
★ Exceptional detail to keep you engaged and inspired while you color
★ Printable for easy access to coloring and the ability to try new colors, techniques and improve your coloring skills. (Plus, no high shipping fee or endless waiting for your new stunning coloring sheet.)
★ Above all, gorgeous work of art that is accessible for coloring beginners or pros to enjoy
★ Similarly, an alternative to meditation, as a means of relaxation and as a calming tool

Download, Print, then color in! (In fact, I LOVE when customers show me images of their final coloring page masterpieces, hint hint hint.)

About My Digital Download Coloring Book Page

♥ You are purchasing an Instant DIGITAL PRINT DOWNLOAD.
♥ The design arrives as a high resolution PDF file sized 8×10 inch and a JPG file sized 5×7 inch, both at 300dpi
♥ © Artistry by Lisa Marie. Copyright not transferable with sale.
♥ This digital coloring page is in black and white lines, no color print included.
♥ Please use for fun only, no commercial use.
♥ Do not transfer or sell file
♥ No Refunds given

Again, this is a printable digital art print. You can download and color today!

© Artistry by Lisa Marie. Copyright not transferable with sale.

Not sure how to color in grayscale? Check out this fantastic Beginners Guide To Grayscale Coloring!

Wait, wait, wait! PRINTABLE coloring? What the heck is that? How do you even start? Relax! Leisurely click to my list of The 3 Things You Need to Start Your Printable Coloring Page Adventure!

Sign Up For My Monthly Newsletter For FREE Coloring Pages, Tips, Savings, and MORE!


How To Color Grayscale Coloring Page! Check Out This FUN Bloodhound Coloring Art Video!

Color along with me! This adorable Bloodhound coloring is one of my hand-drawn images. You can print this image at home or color in your favorite coloring app. I started with an underpainting of blue and red PanPastel then built up colors in warm oranges and browns with Prismacolor pencils. For the stripes, I tear painter tape into strips and put it down on the paper. When I’m done adding background color, painter tape is easy to pull up without tearing paper. *All supply links below*

You can see the original Raccoon Coloring Page and download it HERE

Bloodhound Coloring Page:

This beautiful printable coloring book page is all you need to release your inner artist. Similarly, professionally hand-drawn in grayscale, this original work of art is your source for endless hours of fun, relaxation and lovely realistic art that almost jumps off the page.

Coloring Supplies:

Some of My Favorite Drawing Tools:

More About This Coloring Page:

★ Hand-drawn grayscale art (by a classically trained artist) to give your final image a more realistic look and a beautiful masterpiece you will be proud to display.
★ Exceptional detail to keep you engaged and inspired while you color
★ Printable for easy access to coloring and the ability to try new colors, techniques and improve your coloring skills. (Plus, no high shipping fee or endless waiting for your new stunning coloring sheet.)
★ Above all, gorgeous work of art that is accessible for coloring beginners or pros to enjoy
★ Similarly, an alternative to meditation, as a means of relaxation and as a calming tool

Download, Print, then color in! (In fact, I LOVE when customers show me images of their final coloring page masterpieces, hint hint hint.)

About My Digital Download Coloring Book Page

♥ You are purchasing an Instant DIGITAL PRINT DOWNLOAD.
♥ The design arrives as a high resolution PDF file sized 8×10 inch and a JPG file sized 5×7 inch, both at 300dpi
♥ © Artistry by Lisa Marie. Copyright not transferable with sale.
♥ This digital coloring page is in black and white lines, no color print included.
♥ Please use for fun only, no commercial use.
♥ Do not transfer or sell file
♥ No Refunds given

Again, this is a printable digital art print. You can download and color today!

© Artistry by Lisa Marie. Copyright not transferable with sale.

Not sure how to color in grayscale? Check out this fantastic Beginners Guide To Grayscale Coloring!

Wait, wait, wait! PRINTABLE coloring? What the heck is that? How do you even start? Relax! Leisurely click to my list of The 3 Things You Need to Start Your Printable Coloring Page Adventure!

Sign Up For My Monthly Newsletter For FREE Coloring Pages, Tips, Savings, and MORE!


Why Adult Coloring? 4 Fabulous Reasons You’ll Love To Share!

Adult coloring is more than just a hobby. There I said it! For many people it is a gateway to mental health. Coloring is the perfect way to calm one’s body, mind and soul. And with the crazy stress we all have been experiencing lately, adult coloring has become a significant wellness and relaxation trend. This isn’t about just coloring pretty pictures (though there’s nothing wrong with that). Coloring is about giving yourself permission to be good to yourself.

So what makes adult coloring so restorative?

For many colorists coloring allows us to push negative or stressful thoughts out of our heads and lets us focus on the simple task ahead. This is fantastic anxiety relief and called Mindful Coloring (I talk about it in depth HERE). It is an almost meditative mental state that allows us to forget our daily stressors. No wonder coloring is called therapy without a therapist.

OK, MAYBE I’m a bit prejudiced. I color and make coloring pages every day. But I promise it’s not just me! Us coloring enthusiasts are everywhere and we are a growing group! So here are some reasons why adults should take up the mind relaxing activity.

4 Fabulous Reasons Why You Should Do Adult Coloring:

1) Reduce stress and anxiety: Yes, I already mentioned that. But it bears repeating! Coloring can help relax the amygdala — the fear center of our brain. According to studies, it induces the same effect as meditating by reducing the thoughts of a restless mind, soothing the mind and allowing it some rest time after a long day of work. (Super Science Alert: the amygdala is commonly thought to form the core of a neural system for processing fearful and threatening stimuli. There. So you REALLY want to calm it down. Now you can go show off your smartness in your next conversation with someone!)

According to clinical psychologist Scott M. Bea, PsyD, coloring helps increase focus. “Adult coloring requires modest attention focused outside of self-awareness. It’s a simple activity that takes us outside ourselves in the same way, cutting the lawn, knitting, or taking a Sunday drive can all be relaxing.”

stress image

2) Improves sleep: Replacing your electronic devices with coloring as a pre-bedtime ritual can work wonders. Coloring, according to experts, is a more restful activity compared to painting or sculpting. “You’re adding color to an image that has already been created. But although you have outlines, you can always color outside them. It’s your process, so you can do whatever you want,” said art therapist Cheryl Walpole.

And let’s be real – we all need more sleep! Sleep deprivation results in: reduced attention span, reduced memory, poor decision making, lack of energy, and extreme mood changes. So whip out that coloring page for your bedtime routine then get some shut eye!

Printable Coloring Pages Flatlay

3) Helps emotional and mental health: Coloring is a productive habit. It eradicates boredom and can bring structure to your life. This helps the individual remove the focus from the negative issues and habits. Adult coloring has proved to be really helpful for those suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorders, anxiety disorders, stress disorders, and depressive disorders. (Whoa – it’s almost like we NEED these calming, creative outlets! Boom.)

4) Nurtures your creative streak: We. Need. To. Be. Creative. It helps us solve problems in all areas of our life. It makes life more enjoyable. Studies show that creative people are better able to live with uncertainty because they can adapt their thinking to allow for the flow of the unknown. Coloring is an art and can help nurture the artist in you. One can graduate from simpler designs to challenging ones, thereby improving skills and getting creative juices flowing.

Adult coloring releases your inner artist and become a better functioning person!

Need some paper for printing your new coloring bundles? Check out the Neenah Premium Cardstock! Notably these sheets are very affordable! In fact I always have a pack on hand for quick coloring fun.

Need some tried and true colored pencils? I often fall back on my Prismacolor Pencils! Check out this Set of 36 Prismacolor Pencils!

About Artistry By Lisa Marie:

About The Artist Artistry By Lisa Marie

Artistry By Lisa Marie is a very small art studio located in Rochester, NY.  It currently consists of Lisa Marie, a hoard of colored pencils and her two small boys Luke (4) and Michael (1) (her husband John is a computer geek with no artistic skill and has bowed out of the art business).  Lisa Marie has been professionally creating art for over a decade and has created an extensive library of stunning hand-drawn coloring pages, all available for digital download.  While she has a Master’s in Art History and can talk your ear off about the Old Masters, her background is custom pet portraits and beautiful coloring pages.  Her main interests are encouraging creativity and helping colorists release their inner artist and relax.

More Reading Suggestions:

Not sure how to color in grayscale? Check out this fantastic Beginners Guide To Grayscale Coloring!

Wait, wait, wait! PRINTABLE coloring? What the heck is that? How do you even start? Relax! Leisurely click to my list of The 3 Things You Need to Start Your Printable Coloring Page Adventure!

Sign Up For My Monthly Newsletter For FREE Coloring Pages, Tips, Savings, and MORE!


The Most Amazing Grayscale Coloring Packets Ever! Featured On The Craft Store!

Stunning Printable Grayscale Coloring Packets Now Available!

Check it out! I enjoyed the most amazing LIVE interview in my artistic career.  While I’ve shared hundreds of posts over the years, this particular feature will go down in history as the most amazing interview I’ve done featuring my new digital grayscale coloring packets.

I’ve been creating art for over ten years and have to say, I’m thrilled.  The endearing host Derek was a joy and so entertaining.  Then there’s the fantastic coloring demos that completely takes things to an entirely new level.  I’m proud of this interview.  In fact, I think it is really amazing. Watch it HERE!

Typically studio insights are reserved for blog posts and other social media captions, the live interview is an exciting and unique way to get to know an artist and how they interact with their artwork. Usually you only get snippets of information from social media.  Then this interview comes along and changes everything.

One Skype Call: Three Fabulous Grayscale Coloring Bundles!

I’m so impressed they did this whole feature with just a Skype call! If you’ve ever been in a remote meeting, then you know what I’m talking about when I say it’s something special. In fact, it was a remote interview of pure awesomeness.  They mixed lovely displays, fun interaction and entertaining demos into one riveting hour. And the result of this fantastic venture are THREE gorgeous new coloring bundles: Woodland Animals, Cat Portraits and Smiling Dogs

Grayscale Coloring Bundles

The story behind this marvelous featurette lies in its simplicity – it started with a simple message from asking me to be on their show.  That led to the incredible brainstorming session that asked a very simple question: “what will coloring enthusiasts find really amazing?”  Gorgeous designs from that brainstorm were then formulated into mesmerizing packets of coloring pages…all beautifully curated from the studio of Artistry By Lisa Marie. All created to make you pause and reflect at the beauty and inspiration of these coloring pages.

Every packet of coloring pages was curated to feature top favorites: dogs, cats, and woodland animals.  Once put on display in this riveting interview, they were eagerly received and applauded by coloring enthusiasts.  The result is these packets are NOW AVAILABLE IN MY COLORING SHOP.

Need some paper for printing your new coloring bundles? Check out the Neenah Premium Cardstock! Notably these sheets are very affordable! In fact I always have a pack on hand for quick coloring fun.

Need some tried and true colored pencils? I often fall back on my Prismacolor Pencils! Check out this Set of 36 Prismacolor Pencils!

You will love these amazing coloring pages that you can download and enjoy today.  If you have seen the interview or enjoyed the new coloring packets, leave a comment here!

About Artistry By Lisa Marie:

Artistry By Lisa Marie is a very small art studio located in Rochester, NY.  It currently consists of Lisa Marie, a hoard of colored pencils and her two small boys Luke (4) and Michael (1) (her husband John is a computer geek with no artistic skill and has bowed out of the art business).  Lisa Marie has been professionally creating art for over a decade and has created an extensive library of stunning hand-drawn coloring pages, all available for digital download.  While she has a Master’s in Art History and can talk your ear off about the Old Masters, her background is custom pet portraits and beautiful coloring pages.  Her main interests are encouraging creativity and helping colorists release their inner artist and relax.

More Reading Suggestions:

Not sure how to color in grayscale? Check out this fantastic Beginners Guide To Grayscale Coloring!

Wait, wait, wait! PRINTABLE coloring? What the heck is that? How do you even start? Relax! Leisurely click to my list of The 3 Things You Need to Start Your Printable Coloring Page Adventure!

Sign Up For My Monthly Newsletter For FREE Coloring Pages, Tips, Savings, and MORE!


How To Color Grayscale Coloring Card! Check Out This FUN Papillon Coloring Art Video!

Color along with me on this papillon coloring card! This is one of my hand-drawn coloring page cards. Colorable cards are so quick and easy! Just print, cut, fold and color! BAM! A unique gift for any dog lover. For this coloring I use Prismacolor pencils. *All supply links below – Happy Coloring!*

You can see the original Papillon Coloring Page Card and download it HERE

Papillon Coloring Card:

This beautiful printable coloring page card is all you need to release your inner artist. Similarly, professionally hand-drawn in grayscale, this original work of art is your source for endless hours of fun, relaxation and lovely realistic art that almost jumps off the page.

Coloring Supplies:

Some of My Favorite Drawing Tools:

More About This Coloring Card:

★ Hand-drawn grayscale art (by a classically trained artist) to give your final image a more realistic look and a beautiful masterpiece you will be proud to display.
★ Exceptional detail to keep you engaged and inspired while you color
★ Printable for easy access to coloring and the ability to try new colors, techniques and improve your coloring skills. (Plus, no high shipping fee or endless waiting for your new stunning coloring sheet.)
★ Above all, gorgeous work of art that is accessible for coloring beginners or pros to enjoy
★ Similarly, an alternative to meditation, as a means of relaxation and as a calming tool

Download, Print, then color in! (In fact, I LOVE when customers show me images of their final coloring page masterpieces, hint hint hint.)

About My Digital Download Coloring Book Page

♥ You are purchasing an Instant DIGITAL PRINT DOWNLOAD.
♥ The design arrives as a high resolution PDF file sized 8×10 inch and a JPG file sized 5×7 inch, both at 300dpi
♥ © Artistry by Lisa Marie. Copyright not transferable with sale.
♥ This digital coloring page is in black and white lines, no color print included.
♥ Please use for fun only, no commercial use.
♥ Do not transfer or sell file
♥ No Refunds given

Again, this is a printable digital art print. You can download and color today!

© Artistry by Lisa Marie. Copyright not transferable with sale.

Not sure how to color in grayscale? Check out this fantastic Beginners Guide To Grayscale Coloring!

Wait, wait, wait! PRINTABLE coloring? What the heck is that? How do you even start? Relax! Leisurely click to my list of The 3 Things You Need to Start Your Printable Coloring Page Adventure!

Sign Up For My Monthly Newsletter For FREE Coloring Pages, Tips, Savings, and MORE!


How To Color Grayscale Coloring Page! Check Out This FUN Raccoon Coloring Art Video!

Color along with me on this raccoon coloring page! This is one of my hand-drawn coloring pages. Download and color along with me! You can print this image at home or color in your favorite coloring app. I started with an underpainting of red and brown PanPastel. Then built up colors in warm oranges and browns with Prismacolor pencils. *All supply links below*

You can see the original Raccoon Coloring Page and download it HERE

Raccoon Coloring Page:

This beautiful printable coloring book page is all you need to release your inner artist. Similarly, professionally hand-drawn in grayscale, this original work of art is your source for endless hours of fun, relaxation and lovely realistic art that almost jumps off the page.

Coloring Supplies:

Some of My Favorite Drawing Tools:

More About This Coloring Page:

★ Hand-drawn grayscale art (by a classically trained artist) to give your final image a more realistic look and a beautiful masterpiece you will be proud to display.
★ Exceptional detail to keep you engaged and inspired while you color
★ Printable for easy access to coloring and the ability to try new colors, techniques and improve your coloring skills. (Plus, no high shipping fee or endless waiting for your new stunning coloring sheet.)
★ Above all, gorgeous work of art that is accessible for coloring beginners or pros to enjoy
★ Similarly, an alternative to meditation, as a means of relaxation and as a calming tool

Download, Print, then color in! (In fact, I LOVE when customers show me images of their final coloring page masterpieces, hint hint hint.)

About My Digital Download Coloring Book Page

♥ You are purchasing an Instant DIGITAL PRINT DOWNLOAD.
♥ The design arrives as a high resolution PDF file sized 8×10 inch and a JPG file sized 5×7 inch, both at 300dpi
♥ © Artistry by Lisa Marie. Copyright not transferable with sale.
♥ This digital coloring page is in black and white lines, no color print included.
♥ Please use for fun only, no commercial use.
♥ Do not transfer or sell file
♥ No Refunds given

Again, this is a printable digital art print. You can download and color today!

© Artistry by Lisa Marie. Copyright not transferable with sale.

Not sure how to color in grayscale? Check out this fantastic Beginners Guide To Grayscale Coloring!

Wait, wait, wait! PRINTABLE coloring? What the heck is that? How do you even start? Relax! Leisurely click to my list of The 3 Things You Need to Start Your Printable Coloring Page Adventure!

Sign Up For My Monthly Newsletter For FREE Coloring Pages, Tips, Savings, and MORE!


Check Out This Fun Color Along Video! You’ll Love Coloring My Hand-Drawn Squirrel Coloring Page!

Color along on this squirrel coloring page! This is one of my hand-drawn coloring pages. Download and color along with me! You can print this image at home or color in your favorite coloring app. I started with an underpainting of red PanPastel. Then built up colors in warm oranges and browns with Prismacolor pencils. *All supply links below*

You can see the original Squirrel Coloring Page and download it HERE

Squirrel Coloring Page:

This beautiful printable coloring book page is all you need to release your inner artist. Similarly, professionally hand-drawn in grayscale, this original work of art is your source for endless hours of fun, relaxation and lovely realistic art that almost jumps off the page.

Coloring Supplies:

Some of My Favorite Drawing Tools:

More About This Coloring Page:

★ Hand-drawn grayscale art (by a classically trained artist) to give your final image a more realistic look and a beautiful masterpiece you will be proud to display.
★ Exceptional detail to keep you engaged and inspired while you color
★ Printable for easy access to coloring and the ability to try new colors, techniques and improve your coloring skills. (Plus, no high shipping fee or endless waiting for your new stunning coloring sheet.)
★ Above all, gorgeous work of art that is accessible for coloring beginners or pros to enjoy
★ Similarly, an alternative to meditation, as a means of relaxation and as a calming tool

Download, Print, then color in! (In fact, I LOVE when customers show me images of their final coloring page masterpieces, hint hint hint.)

About My Digital Download Coloring Book Page

♥ You are purchasing an Instant DIGITAL PRINT DOWNLOAD.
♥ The design arrives as a high resolution PDF file sized 8×10 inch and a JPG file sized 5×7 inch, both at 300dpi
♥ © Artistry by Lisa Marie. Copyright not transferable with sale.
♥ This digital coloring page is in black and white lines, no color print included.
♥ Please use for fun only, no commercial use.
♥ Do not transfer or sell file
♥ No Refunds given

Again, this is a printable digital art print. You can download and color today!

© Artistry by Lisa Marie. Copyright not transferable with sale.

Not sure how to color in grayscale? Check out this fantastic Beginners Guide To Grayscale Coloring!

Wait, wait, wait! PRINTABLE coloring? What the heck is that? How do you even start? Relax! Leisurely click to my list of The 3 Things You Need to Start Your Printable Coloring Page Adventure!

Sign Up For My Monthly Newsletter For FREE Coloring Pages, Tips, Savings, and MORE!


Check Out This Fun Color Along! You’ll Love Coloring My Hand-Drawn Bunny Coloring Page!

Color along! This is one of my hand-drawn coloring pages. Download and color along with me! You can print this image at home or color in your favorite coloring app. I started with an underpainting of blue PanPastel. Then built up colors in warm oranges and browns with Prismacolor pencils. *All supply links below*

You can see the original Bunny Coloring Page and download it HERE

Bunny Coloring Page:

This beautiful printable coloring book page is all you need to release your inner artist. Similarly, professionally hand-drawn in grayscale, this original work of art is your source for endless hours of fun, relaxation and lovely realistic art that almost jumps off the page.

Coloring Supplies:

Some of My Favorite Drawing Tools:

More About This Coloring Page:

★ Hand-drawn grayscale art (by a classically trained artist) to give your final image a more realistic look and a beautiful masterpiece you will be proud to display.
★ Exceptional detail to keep you engaged and inspired while you color
★ Printable for easy access to coloring and the ability to try new colors, techniques and improve your coloring skills. (Plus, no high shipping fee or endless waiting for your new stunning coloring sheet.)
★ Above all, gorgeous work of art that is accessible for coloring beginners or pros to enjoy
★ Similarly, an alternative to meditation, as a means of relaxation and as a calming tool

Download, Print, then color in! (In fact, I LOVE when customers show me images of their final coloring page masterpieces, hint hint hint.)

About My Digital Download Coloring Book Page

♥ You are purchasing an Instant DIGITAL PRINT DOWNLOAD.
♥ The design arrives as a high resolution PDF file sized 8×10 inch and a JPG file sized 5×7 inch, both at 300dpi
♥ © Artistry by Lisa Marie. Copyright not transferable with sale.
♥ This digital coloring page is in black and white lines, no color print included.
♥ Please use for fun only, no commercial use.
♥ Do not transfer or sell file
♥ No Refunds given

Again, this is a printable digital art print. You can download and color today!

© Artistry by Lisa Marie. Copyright not transferable with sale.

Not sure how to color in grayscale? Check out this fantastic Beginners Guide To Grayscale Coloring!

Wait, wait, wait! PRINTABLE coloring? What the heck is that? How do you even start? Relax! Leisurely click to my list of The 3 Things You Need to Start Your Printable Coloring Page Adventure!

Sign Up For My Monthly Newsletter For FREE Coloring Pages, Tips, Savings, and MORE!